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Steve Baron: Government waste levy hitting Whanganui folk in the pocket
The hidden cost to the Whanganui community may be an increase in fly-tipping

Opinion: And 2018's best Whanganui district councillor is . . .
It is an important community role and Whanganui deserves dedicated, committed councillors.

Opinion: Let the great unwashed decide on cannabis
The collective wisdom of 2.6m voting NZers is statistically superior to that of 120 MPs.

Steve Baron: Freedom of speech
The ultimate price for voicing your opinion as a newspaper columnist ... is death.

We could do with something new on regional council horizon
Whanganui should split from Horizons with the district council expanding its role

Opinion: System punishes us for doing well
New Zealand's boom and bust episodes are a fundamental economic flaw.

Opinion: Confidence and confidentiality
The council has been using confidentiality unnecessarily - a concern for our democracy.

Opinion: Noose should be around rodeo's neck
Rodeo is no different to elephants and lions being forced to perform in a circus,

Opinion: Time to think about decriminalising dope
I suspect the NZ Police have more important things to do than chase cannabis users.

Opinion: Sell community housing to sort debt
The potential is there, but can councillors get over their politics and make this happen?

Opinion: Cyber security in a connected world
Cyber criminals or competitors hacking your computer system could devastate your business.

Opinion: Confessions of a devout recycler
I would highly recommend you non-believers try a spot of recycling for at least a month.

Steve Baron: We need open-minded councillors
Governance is different to government. It is not politics. Councillors aren't politicians

Opinion: No time to waste -- let's invest smart
There has never been a descriptive policy on how we divest community-owned properties.

Opinion: Feisty, fearless Rachel is a treasure
Rachel Stewart will never win a popularity contest, but you know where you stand with her

Steve Baron: Sister act's poor relation to economics
Whanganui has seen very little economic benefit from our sister city relationships

No such thing as a free lunch - or a free car park.
We must come to terms with the economic forces of supply and demand around car parking.

Opinion: Let's not jump to conclusions
Wouldn't the world be a nicer place if we all stopped judging people by our own standards?

Steve Baron: It's all here - so let's invest wisely
Is it time to cut our losses on council's economic development agency?

Remember us in the regions, Jacinda
The people of Whanganui need you to fulfil your promises. And then some.

Opinion: It's time to look at the Swiss system
With Winston Peters wielding what some see as undue power, is it time for a new system?

Opinion: Gambling addiction will not go away
Govt, council and others are deluding themselves that they can help in any meaningful way.

Times are changing, thank heavens
Atheism and the non-religious population are rapidly growing, but the old ways linger on.

Steve Baron: Overlooked industry looks up
Whanganui has a very diverse business community that creates jobs and economic wealth.

Steve Baron: How to cast vote that really counts
Some of you may remember a very dear friend of mine, Terry Heffernan.

Opinion: Tide may be turning in favour of STV
Under First-Past-The-Post, your last tick is as valuable as your first. That isn't right.

Opinion: Zealots in NZ stifle free thinking
I will make up my own mind, based on logic and independent thought.

Opinion: We deserve to have final say
Numerous surveys have shown majority support for an end-of-life bill.

Let's mobilise Mainstreet's war chest
Mainstreet is missing a golden opportunity to improve economic development in Whanganui.

One of our best councils in years
Rate increase of only 2% is testament to a nine-out-of-10 effort by our elected officials.