Kim Knight is a Senior Writer for the New Zealand Herald.
Kim Knight has been a journalist with the Herald since 2016, working for its premium lifestyle and news sections and print magazine titles Viva, Reset, Travel and Canvas. A former magazine newspaper editor and four-time finalist for feature writer of the year, she has won multiple lifestyle and entertainment media awards and written two books - Homemade: Stories from New Zealand Stovetops and Simon Gault: No Half Measures. She studied at Auckland University of Technology, Master of Gastronomy; and Aoraki Polytechnic, Diploma of Journalism. Since 1989 she has worked for the Greymouth Evening Star, Timaru Herald and Sunday Star-Times, before joining NZME. She is a former restaurant reviewer for Canvas magazine. In 2023, she was named on the inaugural list of Top 50 Women In Food & Drink New Zealand. You can contact Kim at

West Coast, my heartland
Kim Knight grew up on the Coast but can't be a Coaster. She's okay with that.