Kelly Makiha, a Multimedia Journalist at the Rotorua Daily Post, specialises in court and police reporting.
I started work as a Multimedia Journalist at the Rotorua Daily Post as an 18 year-old in 1996 and I am still here, loving every single day. I wanted to be a journalist since I was a child and remember making my mum follow the flashing lights of emergency services so I could see what was happening. I started writing for my local newspaper in Timaru when I was a young teen and knew then that this was the job for me. I made the move to the Rotorua Daily Post and it was meant to be a stepping stone but I fell in love with this city, got married and we are now raising our three children here. I have covered all rounds but specialise in court and police reporting and have been chief reporter or assistant editor for most of my career. I am now back doing what I love – writing stories that matter, holding people and organisations to account, celebrating heroes, paying tribute to amazing lost loved ones and using my role to highlight issues to make a difference. Each day I’m honoured to be surrounded by a group of professionals who work hard and believe in what we do.

'He's scared. He knows what he's done'
The gunman involved in the incident is reportedly willing to surrender if he can have the support of his friends and family with him.