12 Ways To Elevate Your Weekend Coffee & Reserve A Little Me Time

Photo / Ophelia King

There’s something rather lovely about being at home, especially on the weekend; you can take your time, indulge a little, and uplift even a simple task into something special. Being mindful about those little moments can bring an extra level of joy and appreciation to things that may normally be routine or unremarkable.

Consider the humble cup of coffee. By focusing on the act at hand, creating a moment around this prosaic drink can transform it into something rather luxurious, and there’s no need to walk out the front door to do so. Elevate the details, and you’ll enhance your weekend coffee.

Photo / Ophelia King
Photo / Ophelia King

Carefully selected accoutrements and ingredients can be transportive; draw inspiration from Italy, a country steeped in coffee culture, and imagine you're drinking a strong black coffee in the piazza or transport yourself to the sidewalks of Paris, soaking up the atmosphere with a croissant in hand.

Also drawing inspiration from European coffee culture is Moccona, whose new Barista Reserve range brings that freshly brewed taste to your home coffee. They’ve captured café quality flavour that can be made in an instant; crafted from quality coffee beans by Moccona's master blenders for a rich yet smooth taste, Barista Reserve coffee is encased in sleek packaging.

There are two varieties of this premium instant coffee to explore; Classic Crème, a subtly sweet and balanced roast, and Café Black, a strong and intense darker roast with light acidity and smoky notes. Moccona has even managed to mirror the velvety crema of an espresso the key is a slow, gentle pour.

Photo / Ophelia King
Photo / Ophelia King

With Moccona’s focus on fast, effortless coffee, Barista Reserve is also available in a capsule format. The recyclable aluminium capsules contain 100 per cent ground coffee, and there is Latte, Cappuccino, Long Black and Espresso on offer. All are finessed, fast and perfect for reserving some quality time at home.

The result is a lush cup of coffee, flavoured with quality and sophistication, that enhances the pleasure of being at home.

Before you make a cup of coffee, take a moment to make your space a touch more sophisticated. Tidy away clutter, and create an environment that’s pleasing to the senses. Light a candle or some incense, and surround yourself with organic materials like wood, marble and soft natural textiles. Find a patch of sun, and bring your favourite chair to it so that you can enjoy some Vitamin D and the mood-elevating power of light. Wrap yourself up in some soft knits in a soothing neutral palette, which can be calming and comforting.

Be mindful about what's around you, and take this time to appreciate a fresh bunch of flowers or your favourite mug filled, of course, with a hot cup of Moccona Barista Reserve. Reserve a little me time, invest in a few special accompaniments, and really enjoy the moment.

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1. Create a sophisticated environment: Clear the clutter, gather some flowers and create a visually pleasing tableau on your table. An elegant coaster or a nice plate, though simple, can enhance your experience.

2. Invest in premium ingredients: Premium milk (or, even better, cream) proper coffee sugar and some sparkling water on the side really help capture that café quality.

3. Use Elegant serveware: A glass can turn a simple cup of coffee into something sophisticated (and is très Parisian) while decanting your dairy into a jug feels a little bit fancy.

4. Indulge in a treat: Channel the Europeans and have some amoretti or a croissant there's no better time than the weekend.

5. Harness your senses: Take your coffee to another level by appreciating the aroma, taste, and touch of the moment.

6. Listen to something inspiring: Music is mood-enhancing, and it can take you to a place of calm, or enliven and energise. Ask yourself how you feel today, and how you want to? You could also tun into a thoughtful podcast. Insightful and opinionated, the best podcasts entice you to listen for hours making them perfect for time reserved at home.

7. Pause and pamper: Take the time to do a salon-quality manicure at home; it’s worth the extra effort and steps, and the result may leave you feeling quite chuffed.

8. Call someone: Rediscover the joy of a phone call perhaps it’s that friend you haven’t spoken to in a while, someone you usually message every day, or a beloved family member. Chatting is nice.

9. Read a book or a magazine: In a world of infinity scrolls, turning to the pages of print can help tune out the overwhelming demands of other media.

10. Take a moment: Do nothing it’s harder (and more rewarding) than you might think and enjoy some solitude. Being alone and unoccupied can be a rewarding experience.

11. Watch something inspiring: A slow weekend is the perfect time to indulge in a cinematic classic; with the luxury of free time and full attention, you can enjoy a film that challenges or moves you.

12. Turn your phone off and unplug: After that long phone call, indulgent scroll or podcast binge, sometimes the nicest thing is to make another cup of coffee and then simply switch off.

Discover Moccona's new Barista Reserve range in stores now.

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