Test Drive: Neutrogena Acne Mask

Neutrogena Visibly Clear Light Therapy Acne Mask. Picture / Supplied

The Treatment: DIY light therapy for acne.

The Promise: Neutrogena Visibly Clear Light Therapy Acne Mask is a treatment for mild to moderate acne and works for all skin types. Red and blue LED lights reduce two of the major factors that contribute to acne.

Blue light targets acne-causing bacteria and red light reduces inflammation. This product is used 10 minutes a day for a month.

The Practice: I found this product super easy to set up and use. The mask is held on the face by sunglass-style arms which feel very secure. It is easy to walk around without the mask falling off, however, I found that the mask activator which is attached, is a bit annoying to carry around.

Another issue with doing things with the mask on, is the bright lights and small eye-hole make it hard to see. Because it was hard to walk around and do other things, I tended to stay in my room when wearing this mask.

The Price: The mask costs $80, and is available from selected pharmacies. A repeat 30-day course of light therapy for it can be bought with an activator for $40.

The Verdict: This product was fun to try out, and generally easy to use. After a week, I couldn't see any noticeable difference in the appearance of my skin, but I only managed to test this product for a short period of time, so I can't tell if it works in the long run.

I want to continue testing it, because I am interested in light therapy, and to see if it makes a difference to my skin after the whole month. I recommend trying this mask to anyone interested in getting professional light therapy as visits to a dermatologist or skin clinic would be $200+ a session.

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