4 Tips for Finding Calm During a Busy Day

Eleanor Ozich says we often forget to appreciate the small, beautiful moments that knit our lives together. Picture / Eleanor Ozich

The ebb and flow of our daily lives can feel busy, and more often that not, we forget to appreciate the small, beautiful moments that knit it all together. It's so easy to get caught up in rushing from one thing to the next, I'll often find myself falling in to the same trap, and wonder why I'm feeling frazzled.

Over the past few years, I've been in pursuit of living a more simple, slow lifestyle, and these are a few of the things that have helped me to find calm throughout my day.

1. Next time you dig hungrily in to your food, take a moment to consider all the love, time and effort that went into creating it.
Thing about the rich soil that ensured the vegetables could grow, the farmers who harvested them, or the hands that lovingly turned the ingredients into a meal. Appreciating the story behind our food helps us to enjoy a meal in all its glory. Eat slowly, pay attention to each flavour, and relish in each and every bite.

2. If you're feeling off-balance, take a stroll outside, and breathe in the fresh, invigorating air.
It's such a simple, yet achievable way to find perspective, and slow down the busyness of your day. Whether it be a short wander to your local coffee shop during lunch break, or a long sunset walk before dinner, both your body and mind will be oh-so grateful.

3. If you notice yourself rushing from one thing to the next, take a moment to focus on the task you have at hand.
There's a zen proverb "When eating, eat. When walking, walk." It might sound simple and obvious, but I'm sure we all need to be reminded of this sometimes. Whether you're washing the dishes, firing through emails or throwing together a quick dinner, stop and appreciate what it is you're doing. Who knows you might even surprise yourself by finding unexpected joy in the simplest of things.

4. At the end of the day when you've found a moment of quiet, rather than checking off mental to-do lists, scrolling through Instagram or needlessly checking emails for the umpteenth time, switch off those distractions and indulge yourself in something that authentically relaxes you.
I'll often enjoy a long hot bath — the kind with essential oils, candles and a good novel in hand, other times I'll devote an hour or two to baking, as I find it gives me the time out I need from a busy day's work. Find what works for you, and turn it into a slow,  pleasurable night-time ritual.

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