Yoghurt Panna Cotta Recipe

By Angela Casley
Photo / Babiche Martens

Light and delightfully perfect for finishing a meal is pannacotta, topped here with strawberries cooked briefly with a little Cointreau — what could be better? This can sit in the fridge ready to serve, so there’s no last-minute mucking around, just top with strawberries and it’s ready to go. It will also last in the fridge for a few days, ready for a sneaky dessert and taste of happiness.


Makes 4

1 cup cream

1 star anise

1 cinnamon stick

¼ cup caster sugar

1 tsp gelatine powder

1 Tbsp cold water

1 cup plain yoghurt

1 punnet strawberries, chopped roughly

2 Tbsp Cointreau

¼ tsp cinnamon

2 Tbsp caster sugar
  1. Into a small pot place half the cream, star anise, cinnamon and sugar. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes then slowly bring to a simmer stirring until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat.
  2. Sprinkle the gelatine over the water leaving it to sit for 3 minutes until it swells. Heat in a microwave for 20 second or until clear. Alternatively heat in a small pot until clear. Add to the cream mixture and stir until well combined. Allow to cool for 10 minutes, remove the star anise and cinnamon stick.
  3. Beat the remaining cream until it has soft peaks. Fold through the yoghurt to combine then add to the cooled cream. Pour carefully into four glasses or ramekins.
  4. In a small pot place the strawberries, Cointreau, cinnamon and sugar. Slowly heat stirring once or twice. Cook for 4 or 5 minutes to slightly soften the fruit. Cool completely.
  5. Before serving spoon some of the strawberry mixture on to the top of each panna cotta.

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