Who Does The Best 'Morning After' Brunch in Auckland?

The Chia breakfast pots from the Little Bird Unbakery. Picture / Babiche Martens

"When you're hung-over your body craves more toxins, like a zombie craving brains. But you're better to fight your natural impulses and dose up on something that will be less likely to make you hate yourself afterwards. So don't head to a greasy spoon kidding yourself you're going to order the Bircher — head to The Unbakery, where you can't make a bad choice, even at the last minute. A smoothie is an excellent start — something with plenty of leafy greens — though I had one of their wellness tonics the other day — with ginger, turmeric, cayenne and oregano oil, as I recall — and it just about blew my head off. Just what you need when your head isn't feeling like a friend."
— Jesse Mulligan, eating out editor

"The ultimate morning after brunch in my eyes goes a little something like this: sit down, make no menu decisions, food arrives at your table straight away, eat said food, more food continues to arrive. Drown last night's sorrows in soy sauce. Which is why Yum Cha from Grand Harbour ticks all my boxes. Their one-hour table allocations also ensure chit-chat is kept to a minimum and you can go back to bed really quickly. Chinese efficiency at its best."
— Guy Coombes, photographer

"Also good for winter colds, Grandpa's Beef Pho at Bolaven is a great way to wake up and snap out of being hung-over with its intoxicating mix of coriander and chilli."
— Dan Ahwa, fashion editor

"Ravenhill Cafe in Birkenhead does the most incredible, life-restoring savoury muffins, with the perfect balance between naughty and nice (absorbent carbs vs fresh vegetables). Okay, they're mostly naughty, the majority of the muffin part-laden with cheese, the rest stuffed with bacon, spinach and tomato. Getting them fresh from the oven is reason enough to haul yourself out of bed ... "
— Rebecca Barry Hill, writer

"Definitely more of a brunch item than breakfast (but that's okay because you didn't get out of bed until 11am anyway), the banh mi from L'oeuf includes everything you need to stop feeling seedy: protein for strength, enough salad to feel vaguely healthy and a crusty bread roll to soak up any leftover liquids."
— Jessica Beresford, digital content producer

"It only takes a glass of wine to make me feel dusty the following day. Thankfully a dish of soy and a side of chilli sauce from Grand Harbour is usually enough to clear the cobwebs. Even better if it's accompanied by delicious steamed dim sum. And if things are really bad, some crispy calamari."
— Rebecca Wadey, wellbeing editor

"The creamy balsamic mushrooms at Dizengoff are worth dragging yourself out of bed, having a shower and putting on some lipstick for."
— Rosie Kelway, writer

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