Togarashi-Spiced Trevally With Avocado & Wasabi

By Angela Casley
A quick, light and refreshing starter. Photo / Babiche Martens

You can buy togarishi ready prepared or make your own and play around with the amount of spice you can handle.

Serves 4

400g trevally
2 tsp togarashi spice
1 avocado
¼ tsp wasabi
2 tsp lime juice
Salt and pepper, to taste
Micro greens, to serve

Togarashi spice
¼ tsp chilli flakes
2 Tbsp finely chopped toasted seaweed
1 tsp toasted white sesame seeds
1 tsp toasted black sesame seeds
¼ tsp ground ginger
1 tsp lemon zest

1. Combine all the togarashi spice ingredients.

2. Roll the trevally in the spice. Heat a frying pan to a high heat. Sear the trevally on both sides for 20 seconds, just to seal. Remove to a plate and cool completely.

3. Mash the avocado and wasabi with the lime, salt and pepper to taste. Spread on to a large plate.

4. Slice the trevally very thinly and layer on the avocado. Sprinkle with microgreens.

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