Tips and tricks for the perfect green smoothie

By Eleanor Ozich
Eleanor Ozich's avocado, banana, coconut water, lettuce, lemon and grape smoothie. Photo / Supplied

Feeling a little overwhelmed or unsure of where to start? Not to worry, as I have some simple tips for creating a brilliantly creamy and refreshing green smoothie, perfect for when you feel like a little boost of nourishment.

I like to keep my smoothies basic and uncomplicated. In the smoothie pictured, I have put half an avocado, a small frozen banana, 1 cup of coconut water, a large handful of cos lettuce, the juice of half a lemon and a small handful of fresh green grapes in a blender, then simply whizzed until smooth.

Four simple steps to creating your own delicious green smoothie:

1. Choose a liquid base. I use about 1 cup of liquid, but you can add a little more or less depending on the thickness desired. I like to use coconut water, but all types of nut milk, rice milk or oat milk work fantastically.

2. Next, I like to add something a little creamy as a good dose of healthy fats. I usually add an avocado, or cup coconut cream. A handful of activated nuts or nut butter adds a terrific dimension also.

3. Time to choose a handful of fruit! I usually opt for a frozen banana, as I always have an abundance in the freezer. I also love a little mango or pineapple if I am wanting something tropical. Frozen grapes, apples, figs and berries are 
perfectly sweet additions.

4. Last, but not least, add a large handful or portion of greens. Some great options are kale, spinach, cos lettuce, celery, broccoli, a bulb of fennel or half a cucumber.

Once you have mastered the art of creating a delicious green smoothie combination, you can get a little fancy.

A few tips to help you take your smoothie to the next dimension:

1. Add the juice of half a lemon or lime for a fresh zing. Herbs also make nice additions, for example, a small handful of mint or parsley works well.

2. Spices make excellent additions, as well as adding extra health benefits. Turmeric, a little pinch of cayenne pepper or ginger, all work well.

3. I like to freeze my fruit or vegetables to produce a chilled, refreshing smoothie. If using fresh, add a couple of ice cubes, instead.

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