The Forest Cantina’s Feijoa Chutney Recipe

Feijoa chutney. Picture / Supplied.

Preserving is a great way to enjoy seasonal flavours in the months to come, and chutney makes a great little home-made gift. Feijoas are something that I crave in summer, I love these floral fruits so much. This chutney is adapted from my grandmother’s tomato relish recipe. I wanted the chutney to be a little sharp and not too sweet. It’s the perfect accompaniment to bread and cheese or to dollop on the side of meatloaf or home-made sausage rolls.


Makes 4-5 medium jars

1.6kg feijoas (approx. 24)

1 cup apple cider vinegar

2 cups Fairtrade sugar

6 onions, diced

2 large apples, grated

½ cup raisins

1 Tbsp hot curry powder

¼ tsp cayenne pepper (more if you like it really hot)

1 Tbsp salt

½ Tbsp pepper
  1. Cut washed feijoas in half lengthwise, cut each half into thirds and dice into 1cm pieces (leaving the skins on).
  2. Add to a large pot, with a heavy bottom if you have one, with the rest of the ingredients and stir to combine. Bring to boil and reduce temperature to medium, so it’s still blipping away, but not so high that it burns the bottom.
  3. Stir regularly so chutney doesn’t catch on bottom of pot. After 45 minutes to an hour taste some chutney, with feijoa. The skin should be completely soft. If a little tart, add a little extra sugar to taste and cook until sugar has dissolved (about an extra 3 minutes).
  4. Place into hot sterilised jars and lid while chutney is hot. Don’t forget to add a date to jar when you label it. Enjoy.

Unna Burch’s first book is out in August. Pre-order My Garden Kitchen here, and read more about Unna here.

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