Snapper Steaks Recipe with Mustard Sauce and Truffle Oil

By Angela Casley
Snapper steaks recipe with mustard sauce and truffle oil. Picture / Babiche Martens.

A real find this week was fresh snapper steaks, glossy and white. A bit of a luxury, price-wise, but with my favourite truffle oil drizzled over along and white anchovies fried in butter — how could I resist. Cooked this way, the fish stays moist and tender on the bone. Serve it with soft kumara mash and greens, for a quick luxurious meal made in 30 minutes. (You'll find the white anchovies and truffle oil at good speciality food stores.)

Serves 4

3-4 golden kumara, cut into cubes
1 Tbsp butter
50g butter, halved
4 x 150g snapper steaks
6 leaves silverbeet, shredded
8 white anchovies, chopped roughly
1 tsp djion mustard
Truffle oil to drizzle
½ cup chopped parsley
Salt and freshly ground pepper

1. Place the kumara in salt water and cook for 10 minutes until soft. Drain, add 1 tablespoon of butter and smash.

2. Heat 25g butter in a pan and cook the snapper for 4 minutes each side depending on their thickness. Remove to a plate.

3. Add the silverbeet to the pan and cook through. Remove. Add the rest of the butter, mustard, anchovies and parsley. Heat through.

4. Serve the mashed kumara, silverbeet with the steaks topped with anchovy butter. Drizzle the top with truffle oil.

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