Recipe: Toffee Coated Popsicles

By Eleanor Ozich
Toffee coated banana and coconut cream popsicles. Photo / Eleanor Ozich

My kids absolutely love these nourishing, wholesome home-made banana popsicles, made with coconut cream to create a wonderfully creamy taste.

Each is dipped in coconut sugar to give an incredible toffee-like coating, though they are also wonderful dipped in cacao nibs or crushed nuts for a little texture.

I have also been known to add a little cocoa to the mix for a delicious chocolate version.

The possibilities are endless really!

Makes 6-8 popsicles, depending on mould size.

• 1 cup coconut cream
• 1 ripe banana
• 1 tsp vanilla extract

• 1/3 cup coconut sugar

1. In a food processor or blender, add coconut cream, banana and vanilla. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour the mixture into icecream moulds, then insert a popsicle stick in each.

3. Place in the freezer for at least 5 hours, or overnight.

4. To unmould popsicles, dip the frozen moulds in a bowl of warm water. Give them a little tug every couple of seconds until they are loose enough to gently pull out.

5. Place the coconut sugar in a shallow bowl or plate. Gently press each popsicle into the sugar until well coated. Enjoy immediately!

*refined sugar-free

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