Mandarin & Lime Marmalade

By Angela Casley
You won't regret glazing your slow-cooked pork loin in this marmalade. Photo / Babiche Martens

Try using this marmalade as a glaze on a pork loin (pictured) with some slow-cooked fennel — just one of the many ways to enjoy its sweet goodness. I confess to having this marmalade every morning on toast this week. If your mandarins have no pips, fabulous. If they do, remove them first.


Makes 4 cups

1kg mandarins, roughly chopped

4 cups water

2 Tbsp lime zest

¼ cup lime juice

5 cups sugar
  1. Place mandarins, water, zest, juice and sugar in a large pot and slowly bring to a simmer, stirring every so often for approx 45 minutes. Test a little in a saucer and once it is sticky your marmalade is done. Store in clean jars.

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