In this fortnightly series, Viva’s resident dining-out editor shares advice on where and what to eat.
Do you have any restaurant-related questions or dining-out dilemmas? Jesse Mulligan is here to help.
Email Jesse at and tell him what you need. Where and what do you like to
Here are some questions he’s been asked lately and his answers.

Hi Jesse,
I’m looking to take a chef friend and his partner out for dinner in Auckland. He lives here but doesn’t get out much and hasn’t been to any restaurants that have opened in the past year. I want him to love the food but also be impressed with my “cheffy” restaurant choice (he specialises in fine dining). Any ideas?
I immediately thought of Tala, the high-end Samoan restaurant occupying the old Pasture site in Parnell. There is plenty to look at and love here, and I’m pleased to say they took my advice and added some affordable wines by the glass after I fed back my shock at their initial offering.
Advertise with NZME.While we’re at it, how about Metita inside SkyCity. Michael Meredith has put his heart, soul and a lifetime of experience into this one. It’s a beautiful place to eat and surprisingly fun too.
For a showstopper consider the rooftop deck at Queens. Even if the food was terrible this would still be a great night out but it’s good (I over-ordered fried stuff when I was there but that was my fault). Start with an oyster bloody Mary and enjoy the view while you pick your way through a delicious bistro menu, very well executed.
Let me know how you go!

Hi Jesse,
Can you recommend a really good Chinese restaurant that offers a good variety of food at somewhat reasonable prices? Years ago we lived in Christchurch where there was such a place called the Chung Wah not far from the square. It offered delicious food, especially their corn and chicken soup but it closed its doors long ago.
Thanks, Paul.
Hi Paul,
When I’m craving Chinese food it’s usually one of two dishes — the dan dan noodles at Eden Noodles, or the spicy pork mince and chickpea soup at Chongqing (there are two restaurants with this name on Dominion Rd — I can vouch for the one further south near Prospect Terrace; and they have a branch in Wellesley St too).
For your request I’ve called in an expert: Connie Clarkson, who is ex-French Cafe but keeps her ear close to the ground via The Kitchen Project, an Auckland Council initiative to help entrepreneurs take their food businesses to the next level. Connie recommends:
Advertise with NZME.“West: Mr Lobster Private Kitchen — my fave du jour — superb fresh inventive yum cha and great a la carte especially if you are partial to fresh crayfish.
City: Bao and Noodle on Lorne St for fresh handmade dumplings and noodles.
Mt Eden: Impression Auckland — Reasonably new and great addition to Mt Eden neighbourhood. Favourites include their tofu, deep-fried squid, lamb and baos.
Dominion Rd: So many options on Dominion Rd — the usual suspects are still fantastic and include Barilla Dumplings, New Flavour and Hotpot Duke (famous for their meat-draped doll, the “Barbie Gaga”). I love hot pot — cook your own in tasty broths from a selection of meat, seafood, a wide variety of produce and ingredients. Fun, communal, tasty, infinitely interesting.
Newmarket: Muse Cafe — teeny favourite cafe in Newmarket close to Rialto. I love the abalone noodles.”
Thanks Connie! Check out her Instagram for some photos, and find out more about The Kitchen Project here.

Jesse, I saw your list of accessible suggestions for a previous reader. As a wheelchair user can I add my two cents?
Yes, thank you! Delighted to share these suggestions with everyone including a correspondent from earlier in the month whose mother was due a hip replacement and wanted somewhere without stairs or other impediments.
“It’s difficult to get a restaurant that includes a decent bathroom and parking. Andiamo and Prego (but steep ramp entrance) are pretty good. White and Wong at the viaduct. Leo Molloy’s former HQ is as well [this is now Bivacco - JM]. If your correspondent has a mobility parking permit there are a few allocated parks scattered around the Viaduct. The Grove — but sometimes a shortage of parks. The French Cafe has a car park right next to it. The newish place First Mates, Last Laugh at Westhaven is really good with access and parking.”
Hi Jesse,
I saw a comment at the bottom of your column yesterday that you might consider doing a dog-friendly restaurant list. We’d love the support and to be included if you do so.
Vivace is at 85 Fort St, CBD and we allow dogs of all sizes in our main dining room, wine bar and outside area. We have dog beds, dog bowls and doggie treats and our staff will do anything possible to escape their sections to take our customers’ dogs out for walks if they start getting bored or need a pee (that is the dogs I am talking about not the staff ... ).
Thanks so much, Mandy
Thanks to you Mandy, happy to spread the word! As with the list of accessible restaurants I encourage business owners to get in touch with me and I’ll add them to the list.
Thanks also Mandy for the dog photos which, if my Viva editor has a heart, she will include at the bottom of this column!

Previously recommended by Jesse Mulligan
What you’ve asked, and what he’s shared.
Where to take a vegetarian and accessible eateries. Get out of the city centre to find some of the best accessible eateries.
Where to go for an after-work drink; the strangest things I’ve found in my food. Plus, news from a beloved bar on Karangahape Rd.
Auckland’s top Thai spots; where to go for a quiet, romantic dinner. From big menus and a sublime satay sauce, to lovely lighting and good acoustics.
Where to go for good gnocchi; a drink in Mt Eden. Try three different styles of gnocchi cooked traditionally, and Jesse’s current favourite.
Where to go for the best Vietnamese food in Auckland; dinner before a show. Plus, one reader asks where to find some of the city’s hottest new openings.