Homemade Lemon Aioli

By Angela Casley
Homemade aioli is the perfect way to take nibbles like salmon crostini to the next level. Photo / Babiche Martens

If you don’t have a processor, this aioli can be made in a bowl with a stick blender or whisk. Once it is made, other flavours can be added. I have made lemon but try herbs or spice it up with some smoked paprika or chilli flakes. A good dollop on top of salmon crostini is a great way to enjoy your aioli or spread it on a fresh brown-bread sandwich.


Makes 1 and a half cups
3 egg yolks

½ tsp Dijon mustard

¼ tsp salt and white pepper

400ml flavourless oil

2 tsp finely grated lemon zest

¼ cup lemon juice

1-2 Tbsp boiling water
  1. Into a food processor place the egg yolks. Add the mustard, salt and pepper.
  2. Set the processor on go then very slowly drizzle the oil into the eggs. (If it starts to curdle add a teaspoon of boiling water.)
  3. Add the zest and lemon juice, whizzing to combine. If you would like it a little thinner, add the boiling water a little at a time.

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