Eton Mess Recipe with a Twist

By Angela Casley
Eton mess recipe with a twist. Picture / Babiche Martens.

I've added a tropical theme to my version of Eton Mess which means it can be served for brunch without too much guilt. The kiwifruit and pineapple helps to create a welcome freshness.

Serves 4

• ½ cup dates
• 1 cup coconut chips
• 1 ½ cups Greek yoghurt
• 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple
• 4 kiwifruit, skinned and cut in pieces
• 4-6 meringues
• Mint leaves, to garnish

1. Soak the dates in boiling water for 10 minutes. Then drain, reserving the juice. Blend the dates until smooth adding a little juice to get a "dolloping" texture.

2. In a frying pan toast the coconut until lightly browned. Reserve a few for garnish.

3. In a large bowl combine the yoghurt, pineapple, kiwifruit, coconut and mash in the meringues.

4. Fold through half the date puree gently.

5. Spoon the mess into individual bowl, sprinkle with mint leaves and serve.

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