Easy Fruity Ice Blocks

By Angela Casley
These cheerful raspberry ice blocks are a great way to use berries that have gone a little soft. Picture / Babiche Martens

In summer, one of the most refreshing treats you can give yourself is a homemade iceblock. Rather than trekking to the local dairy, set yourself up so you can simply walk a couple of steps to the freezer and offer friends and family instant respite from the heat with gorgeous, bespoke iceblocks. All you need to do is source a supply of sticks and then use ice trays or buy some moulds, which you will have for years to come.

When it comes to original flavours, start by using seasonal fruit and an iceblock should have a little sweetness — it is a treat, after all.

Makes 6-8

Fresh fruit pureed and frozen always feels delightfully indulgent. It is the perfect way to use excess fruit or anything that has gone a little soft. These iceblocks look bright and cheerful and are fun at a children’s party. They also look decadent with a little dried fruit powder scattered over them when served as a dessert at a dinner party. Or make mini iceblocks and serve them between courses as a playful amuse-bouche.

300g fresh raspberries
2 Tbsp icing sugar
1 tsp lime zest
Raspberry powder, to garnish

1. Place the raspberries into a blender with the icing sugar and lime zest, pureeing until smooth.

2. Pour into your selected iceblock moulds and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.

3. Remove from the containers and dust with a little raspberry powder to serve.

Its hard to beat ginger and lemon for the freshest-tasting iceblock. Picture / Babiche Martens
Its hard to beat ginger and lemon for the freshest-tasting iceblock. Picture / Babiche Martens

Makes 6

One of the freshest-tasting iceblocks is ginger and lemon. Not only does it freeze into a dense flavour, but is super-easy to make. If you don’t have sticks, freeze it into small ice tray cubes then serve the blocks in a glass with soda water and sprig of mint for a cooling mocktail.

100ml lemon juice
100g white sugar
5 slices fresh ginger
250ml water

1. Into a saucepan, place the lemon juice, sugar, ginger and water. Bring to a simmer until the sugar is dissolved. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

2. Strain through a sieve and pour into your iceblock moulds or ice trays. Insert wooden sticks. If your sticks won't stand up straight, freeze the iceblocks for 30 minutes, then add the sticks.

Be transported to tropical paradise with these ango and coconut iceblocks. Picture / Babiche Martens
Be transported to tropical paradise with these ango and coconut iceblocks. Picture / Babiche Martens

Makes 6

Tasting these mango and coconut iceblocks will transport you instantly to a remote tropical island. Add a little extra honey if you want them even sweeter.

1 ripe mango, stone removed, flesh chopped roughly
½ cup coconut milk
½ cup toasted shredded coconut
1 tsp honey

1. Into a blender place the mango, coconut milk, coconut and honey. Blend until smooth.

2. Pour into your desired iceblock moulds. Freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.

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