In The Ice Block Book, English couple Karis and Dominic Gesua share their favourite ice block recipes.
Serves 4
Preparation time: 5 mins
Freezing time: 6 hours or overnight
Coconut water is a great source of hydration for your body. It is naturally isotonic and contains electrolytes, minerals and simple sugars. It also has many naturally occurring bioactive enzymes, which help digestion and metabolism.
280ml unsweetened coconut water
A small handful of different diced fruit
1. Divide the coconut water between the moulds and sprinkle in some of the small fruit pieces, leaving a 1cm gap at the top. Use a spare lolly stick to rearrange the fruit pieces so that they are evenly distributed, if required.
2. Insert the sticks with the stick-holders and place in the freezer.
Choose different fruits to add to the coconut water, such as strawberry, kiwi and mango. Each of these add different flavour bites throughout the lolly and a great mix of colour.

• Extract printed with permission from The Ice Block Book by Karis and Dominic Gesua. Photography by Rita Platts. $29.99. Published by Kyle Books, distributed by NZ Book Reps.