Chocolate Marshmallow Slice Recipe

By Angela Casley
Chocolate marshmallow slice. Picture / Babiche Martens.

Makes 16 pieces

125g butter

½ cup sugar

1 tsp vanilla

1¼ cup self-raising flour

2 tsp gelatine

½ cup boiling water

1 cup sugar

½ tsp strawberry flavouring

2 drops red food colouring

120g melted chocolate, slightly cooled
  1. Preheat an oven to 180C. Line a 20cm x 30cm tin with baking paper.
  2. Beat butter, sugar and vanilla until light and creamy. Stir through the flour. Press mixture evenly into base of tin evenly. Bake for 20 minutes until cooked. Cool.
  3. Sprinkle gelatine over boiling water and stir to dissolve. Beat sugar, flavour, colour and gelatine on high with an electric beater for a few minutes or until the mixture is light, fluffy and nearly cooled. Spread over base. Set in fridge.
  4. When marshmallow is completely set, spread over the chocolate and return to fridge. Cut into pieces when cold.

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