Berry Fool With Homemade Brandy Snap Baskets Recipe

You could add a topping of white chocolate to these bite-sized treats. Photo / Babiche Martens

Is there anything better than a brandy snap and fresh cream? Yes, when you add berries.

Prepare the brandy snaps in advance and store them in an airtight container. The mashed berries can be added to your breakfast cereal or a cupcake batter. Fresh berries are preferable, but if you use frozen ones, you may need to drain them through a sieve to remove any excess juice.


Serves 6
600g berries

¼ cup sugar

1 tbsp lemon juice

¼ tsp vanilla

300ml cream, lightly whipped

½ cup thick yoghurt

Brandy snap baskets

55g butter

55g sugar

55g golden syrup

50g plain flour

1 tsp ground ginger

½ tsp lemon juice
  1. Combine the berries, sugar, lemon juice, and vanilla in a large bowl, stirring until well mixed. Allow the mixture to sit for 20 minutes, then mash thoroughly with a fork. Refrigerate until needed.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180C – line two baking trays with paper.
  3. Prepare the brandy snap baskets. Add the butter, sugar, and golden syrup to a small pot and heat on very low heat, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.
  4. Take it off the heat and stir in the flour and ginger, mixing thoroughly to blend.
  5. Spoon three large tablespoons of the mixture onto each tray. Cook one tray at a time, as it is essential to work quickly before the mixture hardens after removal. Use a palette knife to gently lift each biscuit and place it over a small cup to form a basket. Allow to cool, then continue with the remaining mixture. Store in an airtight container.
  6. To finish the fool, mix the whipped cream and yoghurt, then refrigerate until ready to serve.
  7. Spoon the fool into the baskets and enjoy.

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