Beautiful Bars Recipe

By Angela Casley
Beautiful bars. Picture / Babiche Martens

When you want a cafe-style treat at home, this oaty bar with peanut butter is perfect. It takes very little time to make and keeps well in the fridge. It’s perfect for snacks and lunches. Add a few nuts if you like — crushed hazelnuts are a favourite of mine.

Makes 16

1 cup large oats, lightly roasted
1 cup mixed nuts
1 cup mixed seeds
½ tsp cinnamon
1 cup dried dates, soaked in warm water for 10 minutes
½ cup crunchy peanut butter
¼ cup runny honey

1. Line a 20 x 20cm tin with baking paper.

2. Drain the dates.

3. Place oats, nuts, seeds and cinnamon in a large bowl.

4. In another bowl mash the dates with the peanut butter and honey (or give a quick whizz in the food processor).

5. Fold this through the oat mixture. Press mixture into tin and smooth the top. Refrigerate until needed. Cut into 16 squares.

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