3 Great Apple Recipes

By Angela Casley
Simple apple tart. Picture / Babiche Martens.

There’s nothing better than biting into a crisp apple. Though they are at their best in late summer/autumn, there are still plenty about at the moment to make use of. I like to stew loads of apples to keep on hand in the pantry. Who can resist a spoonful with a blob of coconut yoghurt on your muesli in the morning?

As these apple recipes show, these are wonderfully versatile fruit. Tapenade and pork are a perfect match. The saltiness of the tapenade complements the soft subtle flavours of the meat. Pork fillets are no-fuss when it comes to cooking. They are small and take next to no time to cook, unlike the traditional slow-roast pork. Don’t forget it is okay to eat pork a little pink. The apple sauce finishes off the dish with a touch of sweetness. Serve this with a mash of mixed kumara and potato, and a steamed green vegetable.

Golden delicious apples, with their soft outer skin, are perfect for tarts or baking. The fruit softens evenly and the texture is delightful when baked. For this tart, a little sweetness from the jam mixes with the texture of crunchy, toasted walnuts.

For a real old-fashioned dessert you can’t go wrong with an apple and rhubarb sponge. You can put it in the oven to cook while you eat the main course. I love cinnamon at the moment, so added some to the sponge. Warm custard is the perfect final touch.

• Simple Apple Tart

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