The 8 Best Moments of NZFW

Chris Parker at Ruby's NZFW show. Picture / Karen Ishiguro.
"Drinking champagne and cocktails at Kate Sylvester’s after-party at a private downtown club. Like the women that inspired her sophisticated collection 'a Muse', the crowd was  beautiful, often eccentric and incredibly cool. Plus I loved the effortless ease and 70s vibe of Twenty-seven Names’ loose linen trousers, jacket and waistcoat. Think Diane Keaton in Annie Hall." Amanda Linnell, managing editor

"Two shows based on friendship: Wednesday's NZFW debut from Harman Grubisa designers Madeleine Harman and Jessica Grubisa, and Tuesday morning's outdoor presentation from Anjali Stewart and Rachel Easting of Twenty-seven Names. Both shows were strong and packed with personality, reflecting the talent and intelligence of the women behind the brands." Zoe Walker, associate editor

"The brilliance of the Harman Grubisa show." Dan Ahwa, fashion editor

“Real life on the runway: the marriage proposal at Miromoda between designers Hohepa Thompson and Mia Brennan who met at the event three years ago. Genuine, not staged and cheesy. Best hair of the week? Jasper Seven's flowing curls at Zambesi had the sort of effortless loft that stylists backstage spent the week busily crafting on scores of other models." Janetta Mackay, beauty editor

"The foundations of Stolen Girlfriends Club are a little bit rock'n' roll, so it's only fitting that the brand's 10th birthday runway show featured a stage dive. At the St James, model Derya Parlak went head first into the crowd, wearing a mock band shirt, much to the audience's delight." Jessica Beresford, digital content producer

“I always look forward to the unexpected elements Stolen Girlfriends Club add to the mix, and there were more than a few stand-outs this year. But the icing on the cake was the dance moves my colleagues pulled at the after party. Those sweet memories will keep me going until next year’s Fashion Week.” Rosie Kelway, writer

“The dreamy, muted, pastel colour palette at Harman Grubisa in particular a powder pink leather A-line skirt paired with an ash grey sheepskin stole.” Danielle Clausen, intern

"Held off-site in a carpark, Ruby's show was made even better by a performance from comedian Chris Parker and the Dynamotion dance crew, who successfully poked fun at the fashion crowd."  Anna Lee, editorial assistant

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