Powerful People: Kate Megaw, Yasmine Ganley and Greta Van der Star

From the left: Yasmine Ganley, Kate Megaw and Greta van der Star. Picture / Babiche Martens.

This trio is quietly introducing an intelligent, natural and vaguely 70s-inspired aesthetic to a new generation. Designer Kate Megaw launched her label Penny Sage in 2011 after assisting at Miss Crabb, while Greta van der Star works as a photographer, stylist and costume buyer, and creative multitasker Yasmine Ganley works on projects for various brands including Tessuti and Sans [ceuticals] and runs her own website Anyonegirl.

The trio share a studio, with a connection based largely on an appreciation for craftsmanship. That's encapsulated by another project launched by Ganley and Van der Star, with graphic and web designer friend Natasha Mead, last year: The Periodic, a "seasonally themed and released publication that celebrates locality".

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