NZ Fashion Week Diaries: Videographer Lula Cucchiara

Lula Cucchiara. Photo / Supplied

6:30am: Alarm goes off. I hate it so I stop it, I do this every morning ¯\_(?)_/¯

6:45am: Alarm goes off. Again.

6:50am: I finally get out of bed!

7:00am: Shower and get dressed. I change my outfit three times. I can't tell if it is hot or cold and I don't want to go outside to check so I'm just wearing overalls and a bomber. That will do.

8:00 am: Pack the essentials for the day: Huawei phone, SD cards, batteries, cable for the portable charger and more batteries just in case.

8:30am: Leave the house (I don't do breakfast). I like to go to Eighthirty at Ponsonby Central and look at Instagram while I drink my coffee.

9:00 am: Arrive at work at NZME HQ. I'm working on today's schedule which seems to be pretty chilled, yay! Viva writer and fashion assistant Rosie Herdman and I will be covering the Trelise Cooper and Huffer shows, but I will still go down to the Viaduct during the day to capture a few more videos for the weekend post.

11:00am: I film Rosie's introduction at the NZME video studio. We have been doing this every day for Fashion Week.

12:00pm: I meet my friends Kate Elliott and Charlotte Stevens for lunch and a cheeky drink in Ponsonby before I head down to the Viaduct.

1:30pm: I go down to the Viaduct to prep and capture some more videos before the Not For You show at 2pm.

5:00pm: I go home to get ready before the Trelise Cooper show.

6:00pm: On the way to the Viaduct again to meet with Rosie and talk to people before the show. We film a bit backstage and interview a few models.

7:00pm: Go to the Trelise show, it felt veeeeeery long but hey! I got to sneak in on the front row and I end up with two goodie bags, so not bad after all.

8:30pm: Go to NZME to transfer all the footage for our amazing editor Frangipani Foulkes (Pani) to cut it all and do her magic so we can have the video online on first thing in the morning.

10:30pm: I arrive at home and have a few drinks. I'm exhausted but had a great day. Ciao.

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