Guy Thompson, Where’d You Get That Ring?

By Annabel Dickson
Guy Thompson in his workspace based in Mount Maunganui. Photo / Jarrod Saville

Guy Thompson saw a gap in the market. The wedding industry is consistently booming, and while there are endless engagement and wedding rings for women in just about any style you can dream up, budget-driven or not, when it comes to men’s styles, the options are limited. You could say a career in jewellery quite literally fell on the Mount Maunganui-based designer’s lap — or finger.

“I think it found me as opposed to me searching it out,” says Guy. “After not being able to find a wedding ring that I was happy to wear for the rest of my life, I set about making my own.”

A do-er, not a ponderer, the Massey design graduate set to make his own wedding ring before eventually building the confidence to open Guys Gold to design and produce timeless pieces for fellow friends and grooms (and the occasional bride) who prefer a refined aesthetic that lasts a lifetime.

Tell us about your career so far and your professional background.

I have a small business called Guys Gold that produces the best men’s wedding rings money can buy. I grew up in Auckland before studying design at Massey in Wellington. After graduating, I moved to the Mount. These days, I work for a signage product company called George & Willy four days a week and have my Fridays dedicated to Guys Gold.

Walk us through a typical working day for you.

Ideally, the day starts with a run or, even better, a surf. Then I’ll be between my bench and my computer for most of the day. Sometimes I will meet up with people to show them the rings and get their sizes as I don’t have a physical store. The day always finishes with me being the very last customer at the post office sending off rings.

Guys Gold rings come in four shapes using mostly recycled gold. Photo / Holly Burgess
Guys Gold rings come in four shapes using mostly recycled gold. Photo / Holly Burgess

Do you have a favourite small pleasure?

Taking my daughter to the park is always crack up. She’s only 1, so she doesn’t have many tricks, but we have fun.

What’s a local bar or restaurant that you like?

If it’s Friday I’ll probably go to Palace Tavern. If it’s a special occasion, Alpino in the Mount.

Is there an event or exhibition that you’re looking forward to?

Our friends are getting married in Tuscany later this year, so that’s top of the list!

As for an exhibition, if I was in Wellington on Thursday I’d be going to Ethan Grigg’s photo exhibition at the Parrotdog gallery space.

Who’s an interesting person or account you follow on Instagram?

@Finlaywoods is a friend who has been putting out some crazy-good videos lately — one day soon we will make a Guys Gold brand video.

Favourite place to get coffee?

I’m lucky enough to live within walking distance of the best cafe in the world: Special Mention in Arataki.

What have you been reading?

Haha, I actually just finished Think Bigger by Michael Hill. I wanna be like Mike!

Something you’ve bought recently?

A bench seat and some bar stools from my friend Sitting Pretty.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?

Start today.

What’s a travel destination you’re keen to visit and why?

New York; it’s just one of those places you have to go. See you there!

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