Francis Hooper loves Instagram... but is far too serious for emojis

By Zoe Walker

World's irreverence translates perfectly to Instagram, with the brand's account (@worldbrandinnz) featuring everything from the latest in store to cheeky internet memes - plus lots of photos of cats and glitter.

Creative director Francis Hooper contributes a lot to the account, and describes his relationship with technology and all things digital as plain and simple: “Computers are magical machines that have changed our lives forever!”

"The internet and social media has democratised fashion, which is a good thing and also a bad thing," he explains, "Unfortunately, everything today looks the same." He shares his digital diet with us...

What digital devices do you have?

I have an iPhone and a very old computer at work ...

Favourite websites/blogs?
My favourite website is World's ... it's genius! Websites are really hard to make and keep alive. My favourite blog has to be she is so funny and has such a potty mouth!

What's your phone?
I'm an Apple boy I have an iPhone 5 but next month I'm getting an iPhone 6 (the drag queen size).

How often do you check it?
I'm always on my phone with Instagram, Twitter, online shopping, YouTube and work. I'm 24/7 connected.

Most useful app?

The weather app. I know what the weather is in London, Paris and Hong Kong! Very jet-set and fashion!

Your favourite social media network?

My favourite social media network would be Instagram. It’s cray-cray! But hot on its heels would have to be Pinterest. I’ve spent hours looking at perfume bottle caps and vintage twine, hours and hours.

How many Instagram and/or Twitter followers do you have?

World has about 2300 of each I guess but it’s not the quantity, it’s the quality. Our followers are just the best.

Your three most used Emojis?

I don’t do Emojis, they are silly. I’m a serious businessman. HA!

Do you read books on a kindle or digital device?

No. Books must be read the old-fashioned way: in hardback, on an island getaway with an iced cocktail by my side.

Your online/digital guilty pleasure?

Shopping is my cardio.

Online pet peeve?
I love online cats and online dogs; even better when they are GIFS.

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