Digital Diary: Salasai Designer Kirsha Whitcher Shares Her Online Habits

Founder and co-designer of Salasai, Kirsha Whitcher. Photo / Supplied

Despite being based in Perth, Kirsha Whitcher's roots remain in New Zealand. After launching her brand Salasai in her home town of Napier in 2006, it's been a highlight on the NZFW calendar over the years.

Along with co-designer Kelly Watson, the brand is taking a different approach at NZFW this year with a digital launch, working with a range of creative content makers to roll out their interpretation of the new collection.

Fittingly, Kirsha shares what makes her tick when she's plugged in.

My digital devices are... iPhone X, MacBook Pro, iMac 27 Inch, iPad Pro, Canon Mark II.

My favourite websites are…;;;;;;;; (and a million clean eating websites).

I check my phone… All the time on weekdays. The longest without checking is 20 minutes and when asleep or driving! Weekends maybe every half hour or longer spells up to an hour.

My last download was …An app and recipe book from Ella Woodward of @Deliciouslyella.

My favourite apps are… VSCO, Pinterest, Runway, Spotify, Skype, Instagram, Pixlr and Netflix.

My most useful apps are… Google Maps; Bankwest; WhatsApp; We Chat; Uber Eats; Uber and Airbnb.

The silliest app I've downloaded is… Fit Plan  a gym home workout app.

My preferred social media network is … Instagram.

My favourite accounts to follow are… Hard to pick one, but I love @Tylersphotos; @Therow; @Awakemode and @Dansk.

My four most used emojis are… Eyeroll, kiss face, black heart, doughnut.

My guilty pleasure is… Netflix and HBO Series. Currently in love with Big Little Lies.

My online pet peeve is… Google Ads.

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