Digital Diary: Editor & Jewellery Founder Olivia Fleming's Online Habits

New York-based New Zealander Olivia Fleming. Photo / Supplied

New York-based New Zealander Olivia Fleming, senior features editor at Harper's Bazaar online, and founder of Olivia Kane jewellery shares her digital diary.

I can do everything... on my iPhone. From Outlook to Slack to Google Docs to Dropbox. I can edit a podcast on-the-go as easily as I can edit features and answer emails.

My phone is my portable office... so I don't really put it down. At the office I check it once an hour for anything important. I rarely open social media at work, I don't have time to get into an endless scrolling hole. On a weekend, I barely check my phone, unless notifications from friends come through or I'm taking a photograph.

My last download was... The Pattern, and I'm unashamed to say that I'm obsessed.

My favouite apps are... Pocket (for discovering stories), The New York Times (for news), Vivino (for saving obscure wine labels), Apple Podcasts (for obvious reasons), Truebill (for money tracking) and DePop (for thrifting).

The silliest app on my phone is... The DSNY (Department of Sanitation New York) app to figure out where my nearest compost drop-off site is. Trying to save the world one banana peel at a time.

My favourite accounts to follow are... Jennifer Wright, our political editor at large, on Twitter, and Rachel Cargle, one of our columnists, on Instagram. You'll learn a lot! I also love Lauren Singer (@trashisfortossers) who fulfills all my "zero waste" educational needs.

My 3 most used emojis are... Muscle arm, A-okay hand, Star eyes

My online pet peeve... It annoys me when people don't give credit where credit is due on Instagram. This happens a lot. If someone did you a favour, do them a solid and give them a shout out!

My guilty pleasure... Shopping for antique and vintage jewellery on Instagram. It's an addiction more than a guilty pleasure though.

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