9 Things to Do During Fashion Week

The Gentleman’s Guide to Embracing Masculinity by Ezra Whittaker-Powley. Picture / Supplied.

August 29 marks Auckland Zinefest, a community festival encouraging DIY and self-publishing. A zine market will be held at the Pitt St Methodist Church from 12-5pm, with a range on offer — from The Gentleman's Guide to Embracing Masculinity by Ezra Whittaker-Powley to The Doll Haus by Rach Croft, using Woman's Weekly magazines from the 60s and 70s to explore how notions of femininity have changed over time.

Become an expert in this classic with a whiskey 101cocktail class at Seafarers. Hosted by Sam Snead and Nigel Kelly from House of Whiskey, you'll taste a variety of whiskies and learn the essentials.
• Monday August 24, 6.30pm at Seafarers. $50 with food pairing, to book ph (09) 302 9888. You'll need a membership to register for this.

New fashion store Maman Boutique has just opened in Remuera, owned by stylish sisters Kate Boyden and Emma Main. The pair have selected a range of brands for their store, including Alexa Chung for AG, American Vintage and bag label State of Escape. There is also denim "bar", with over 20 jean styles, and a mini art gallery in one corner of the store
• 2a Clonbern Rd, Remuera. Ph (09) 520 1020.

Boutique auction house and gallery Bowerbank Ninow opened this week, focusing on post-war and contemporary art. Established by Charles Ninow and Simon Bowerbank, with previous connections to Webb's Auction House, the opening exhibition presents a range of photographs from New Zealand artist Theo Schoon, some never seen before. Find it in the heritage ANZ building on the corner of K Rd and East St, Bowerbank Ninow joins a thriving new gallery district with Ivan Anthony upstairs and Michael Lett next door.

This Saturday from 10am-4pm, Ponsonby will transform into a hive of new season fashion activity with the Chic Streets event taking over the Mackelvie St and Ponsonby Rd intersection. Thirteen stores are involved and each will have a unique shopping experience ranging from food, drinks, meet the designer, giveaways and more — including The Shelter, Deadly Ponies, Storm, Blak Chaos, Needles & Threads, Commoners, Staple + Cloth, Mi Piaci, We'ar, Ricochet, State Of Grace, The Poi Room and Gregory.

Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki has been hosting AUT fashion design talks, encouraging discussion of everything from globalisation, ethics and sustainability to sexual and gender identity. The final talk is on Tuesday, August 25 at 1pm, with a lecture by designer Ehud Joseph looking at image manufacturing and building narratives through fashion.

Sunday high tea and fashion comes together at High St's Hotel DeBrett, with a salon-style show featuring clothing from Hudson Boutique and high tea including Kerikeri Organic tea, Kokako Organic coffee and a glass of Cloudy Bay Pelorus Sparkling. You can shop the runway after the show too.
• August 28, 3pm, Hotel DeBrett. Tickets $60, including high tea, tea or coffee and a glass of sparkling wine. To book ph (09) 925 9000.

Adapted by Michael Hurst from Aristophanes' ancient text, Lysistrata is a seductive play about women from Athens and Sparta who are instructed to abstain from sex with their husbands and partners, and the all-out war that ensues. Starring Amanda Billing and Andrew Grainger, this modern take is as provocative and relevant as ever.
• Q Theatre, 305 Queen St, Auckland, until August 29

Digitally restored versions of Rembrandt's masterpieces are on display at Smith & Caughey's as part of the Rembrandt Remastered Exhibition. Displayed full size and in chronological order, the exhibition gives viewers the chance to see the Dutch artist's work as if it had just left his workshop, including The Night Watch, Danae and The Anatomy Lesson of Dr Nicolaes Tulp.
• Level 6, Smith & Caughey's, 253-261 Queen St, until September 13

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