Susan Sarandon's Travel Essentials

By John O'Ceallaigh
Picture / Getty Images

Since her 1970 debut in Joe, Oscar-winning actor Susan Sarandon has gone on to star in films as diverse as Dead Man Walking, Thelma & Louise and The Client. She recently appeared in Feud: Bette & Joan, as Bette Davis opposite Jessica Lange's Joan Crawford. With protégée Bryn Mooser, she currently appears in Chapter Two of Mercedes-Benz's #mbcollective Fashion Story.

Your favourite hotels?
​Hotel Caruso in Ravello, Italy, for its huge rooms and amazing views, old style and elegance. I also love SoHo House in Berlin, which just has the most fun with decor and amenities.

Your regular escape?
A little beach town in Costa Rica - which shall remain unnamed to keep its charm intact - and my house in Maine.

Most expensive holiday?
I took two very indulgent vacations in Indonesia, and by far the most extraordinary experience was a voyage on a boat called the Silolona with four friends. Luxury and adventure.

Your most romantic holiday ever?
Always Italy - the first time, I brought back a baby as a souvenir. I collect sunrises and sunsets, and for that the Amalfi Coast is pretty perfect.

Preferred mode of transport?
I'm waiting for the new electric Mercedes-Benz. I recently launched the second chapter of its #mbcollective Fashion Story, which focuses on its electric concept car. I'm all about sustainability and saving the planet, so this was a perfect fit for me – every little helps.

In-flight essentials?
A scarf to protect my throat from the air-conditioning, and my dog Penny when possible.

Favourite suitcase?
Depends on the trip. I undertook 16 plane journeys on a recent three-week safari and packed a very lightweight Patagonia duffel bag.

Best meal ever?
A beautiful Italian meal that my artist friend Kevin fixed with greens from his garden in Spanish Harlem. And his black pepper and maple-syrup gelato is genius.

Favourite shop?
Always small one-of-a-kind shops. I'm nuts for musty bookstores. In London, John Sandoe Books is charming and will order anything, and Daunt Books in Marylebone is great.

Who are the creative talents you've discovered while travelling?
Top of my list is Bryn Mooser, the founder of RYOT [a media company focusing on global and social issues] and my protege for the #mbcollective/Mercedes-Benz Fashion Story. We met in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010.

A scent that evokes holiday memories?
Fir and a touch of incense. It reminds me of mass on Christmas Eve and winter meals.

Most treasured spoils?
I have a number of heart-shaped shells I treasure from different places. And I always find amazing textiles. I can't resist. I can't say enough about the porcelain ceramics and sculptures by Hinrich Kröger in Berlin.

- The Telegraph

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