Stylish Pets: Deanna Yang's Cat Benny

Benedict the tabby with little sister Ginny. Picture / Supplied.

When he's not sleeping next to Deanna Yang, the owner of Moustache Milk & Cookie Bar, Benedict the tabby is known for getting stuck in thick shrubbery. If he could talk, this is what he'd have to say:

My favourite food is raw chicken necks, which help keep my teeth clean.

I like to annoy my owner by dragging her undies and socks out from the drawer so I can sleep inside.

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is loom over my owner's face until she wakes before sprinting to my food bowl so she knows it's time for breakfast.

When visitors come over I play it cool. The humans can't resist me anyway.

My favourite place to sleep is snuggled up with my owners.

I hate it when my owner kisses me on the lips! Anywhere but the lips!

When I'm feeling naughty I love eating carbs. Donuts, croissants, bread rolls, I eat them all. I don't know why Deanna gets upset when she sees me eating hers.

My favourite item of clothing is my birthday suit. Nothing wrong with au naturel.

The secret to my shiny coat is a raw meat diet.

My favourite sound is Deanna's voice after I get lost in a bamboo forest for five days.

My best friend is Ginny, my little sister who I was adopted with. I like to eat her leftover food.

This week at Viva we’re celebrating animals - the influential, the kind that keep you company, and the ones in need. To raise money for the SPCA we’ve launched The Pet Project, asking local designers and artists to donate and create special items to be auctioned off to the highest bidder. We’ll donate all of the proceeds to the SPCA, so get bidding!

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