Emily Moon On How To Succeed In The Production Industry

Emily Moon, founder of Loupe Agency. Photo / Holly Sarah Burgess

With a portfolio that has seen the likes of singer Benee, choreographer Parris Goebel, Icebreaker and Macpac, Emily Moon, founder of Loupe Agency, has established herself as a leading name in the world of production. That she manages each project with a sharp, unwavering eye and the kind of aplomb one earns well beyond her years is a testament to her success as an agent and as a businesswoman. Below, she shares the knowledge she's garnered along the way.

Having a solid understanding of the whole production process, not just your individual role, is really beneficial"There's a lot more to a shoot than just the shoot day itself! Keeping the crew aligned on the overall vision through a tight brief, good planning, and clear communication is everything. A great producer is agile and across every single detail, taking pressure off the photographer so they can focus on delivering to the highest standard possible. The shoots we produce range in scale, and some can be highly complex, so it's important to know what this looks like from the get-go."

There are many moving parts to every production, and things won't always go exactly to plan "Being adaptable to change, being confident and having the ability to remain calm under pressure will help manage anything that may get thrown at you. In this industry, especially recently, there are so many variables  weather, talent, lockdowns  so being able to make quick decisions and problem-solve will get you everywhere."

Loupe Agency's work for Commercial Bay. Photo / Fraser Chatham
Loupe Agency's work for Commercial Bay. Photo / Fraser Chatham

My agency is an extension of myself"I always trust my gut, do my research and bring in the right people for each project. It's important to think forward, considering more extensive opportunities and how we can make an idea even better than the client imagined. Clients respect our expertise and know we have their best interests at heart always."

It's important to grow and adapt"My career has certainly taken many twists and turns. Although I have always remained clear on my vision for Loupe, remaining open to opportunities and never fearing change has helped the agency grow and expand along the way. It's good to keep the end goal in mind but expect that the path may vary."

This industry is fast-moving"Learning how to switch off in between projects as well as pace yourself during busy times is essential. You are nothing without your health."

This can be a competitive industry at times"Because of that, I've seen a lot of people fall into the trap of comparing themselves to others as a measure of success. Personally, I think it's better to focus on your journey and what that looks like for you. After all, success means different things to different people."

Loupe Agency's work with choreographer Parris Goebel for Vogue. Photo / Lula Cucchiara
Loupe Agency's work with choreographer Parris Goebel for Vogue. Photo / Lula Cucchiara

Managing a team of artists means days are spent juggling many things at once, so try to pause"It's not just the day-to-day management and administration that requires my attention, but also the people. Dealing with many different personalities and individual needs calls for a certain amount of patience, organisation and empathy. If I'm not clear in my head, how can I be that for someone else? We hear it all the time, but taking a moment to catch one's breath before moving forward is beneficial to ensure things keep rolling smoothly."

It's ok to say no to projects that aren't for you"There will be more opportunities. When you are new to the industry be careful not to fall into the trap of taking every job that comes your way. You may find yourself working with clients who don't align with your values and risk producing work you're not happy with. Or worse, working for 'exposure' alone. No one should be expected to work for free."

Find a mentor or someone you admire that you can look to for guidance"Finding your feet in this industry can be tricky, so having a sounding board is incredibly valuable. I was fortunate to have a strong female influence early on in my career, which helped shape my approach to being an agent and producer. This is an exciting industry to be part of, working alongside super-talented people every day. Don’t forget to take a step back, appreciate the opportunities and enjoy it all."

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