Dolly Parton's Most Fashionable Quotes

Dolly Parton. Picture / Supplied.

1. "It costs me a lot of money to look this cheap!" - Evening Standard

2. "I think everybody should be allowed to be who and what they are and be celebrated for it." - Glamour

3. "It's like what I always say: I may look fake but I'm real where it counts." - The Guardian

4. "I'll probably look the same when I'm 100, because I'm more like a cartoon. I love to paint and powder. I have a look, and hopefully it will always be my look." - The Late Late Show with Tom Snyder

5. "I'm not trying to be fashionable. Never was! I got some clothes that I've had for 25 years. People say, oh, that's Dolly, Dolly does what Dolly does – and Dolly does! Ha ha ha!" The Guardian


"I would never pose nude. Maybe when I'm 100, but nobody will care." -

7. "When people say less is more, I say more is more. Less is less." - The Guardian

8. "I have my own personal confidence, it comes from inside, and the way I choose to look on the outside is a country girl's idea of glamour." - as told to Angelica Rundberg

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