Artist to Watch: Emma McIntyre

Artist Emma Mcintyre in her studio. Picture / Supplied

Artist-to-watch Emma McIntyre will show her first solo exhibition, Pink Square Sways, at Grey Lynn gallery Hopkinson Mossman from Friday.

Her paintings initially present a relatively simple view, working with grids and intersecting lines, but they are enigmatic, deceptive the longer one views them, the more three-dimensional, shifting and complex they appear.

A fourth-generation artist her father is Simon McIntyre and grandfather Peter McIntyre Emma has exhibited regularly at artist-run spaces since 2015. Her interest in patterning and use of grid-like structures references both the history of painting, and crafts such as weaving, pattern and quilt-making.

Rather than etching formal, rigid squares, however, she draws her lines loosely, speaking to a world outside the physical rules of painting, as if each of her works could be cut from a larger kaleidoscopic cloth.

November 24 to December 23 at Hopkinson Mossman, 19 Putiki St, Grey Lynn. Visit

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