Around the World With Sonja Batt

By Danielle Clausen
Sonja Batt in Morocco. Picture / Supplied.

Sonja, along with business partner Marilyn Sainty, founded Scotties boutique in 1978 and has been bringing a tight edit of the best international collections to our shores since.

Where did you last travel to?
Paris, Milan and Hong Kong on my last buying trip for Scotties.

Where in the world have you felt happiest?
Villa Adasa, Seminyak, Bali.

Where is your favourite city?
Paris, as it still excites me every time. I love exploring the streets and dining at some of my favourite restaurants; Au Passage, Semila and Le 6 Paul Bert.

Describe the most breathtaking view you have ever seen?
The view from the Amanjiwo Hotel in Java looking out to the world's largest Buddhist Temple, Borobudur,
is incredible.

Do you have any packing secrets to share?
Before any major trip, I hang everything out on a roller rack so I can edit accordingly, then everything is packed in clear plastic bags.

What are your suitcase essentials?
My Smythson's hot pink luggage tag so I can spot my bag a mile away on the carousel.

Where did you go on your first holiday without your parents? Sydney.

Your worst travelling memory?
Two memories definitely come to mind. A few years ago I mistakenly got off a plane in Milan while in transit to Barcelona, only to find they wouldn't let me back on — much to the dismay of my husband, who was still on the plane. Secondly, on my way to breakfast in Zambia, I had the most terrifying moment when I discovered there was very large elephant just two metres behind, stalking me.

How do you relax?
Tuning out on my iPad always works, otherwise having a massage — the best being at Jari Menari in Bali.

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