Claire Robbie is a familiar face as a stand-in TVNZ newsreader, but for this former broadcast reporter it is her evolving life off-screen that provides a fuller picture of the woman she has become.
Running yoga retreats and wellness workshops follows time spent realising for herself that focusing on inner serenity rather than outward show is ultimately more rewarding.
Alongside continuing to train and to teach yoga and meditation here and overseas, Claire is the founder of No Beers? Who Cares! an organisation running events to encourage people to socialise alcohol-free. She has also created a programme called The Reset, imparting techniques to people wishing to change their relationship with alcohol, based on her own journey to a sober lifestyle.
The aim of social initiative No Beers? Who Cares! is to shift the drinking culture and create a community of people passionate about living life fully. Events are open to everyone and are booze free. Find out more at
Beauty ethos
As natural and as simple as possible. As I get older I'm completely committed to aging as gracefully and naturally as possible and embracing the changes that come it's part of the adventure. There's so much pressure (particularly on women) to look a certain way, and to freeze at an age, it's really alarming. The more women who can show they're embracing the process and flourishing at any age, the less inclined women will be to undergo dangerous and painful beauty procedures.
Makeup memories
My mum has always had a very simple routine, and she never wore lots of makeup, same with my Grandma my two biggest female influences. That said, growing up I always loved dressing up and putting on costumes. I loved ballet recital time as we got to get our makeup done for that.

Style evolution
I've definitely become more and more comfortable in my own body and I feel like I put in less and less of an effort as I get older! I'm a bit of a tomboy and I can't be bothered fussing around too much, so less is more for me. I used to wear heels to work every day and now much prefer sneakers. Although I really like dressing up now and then.
If you knew then...
I have been reflecting recently on how much of my self-worth when I was younger was tied up in what I looked like and what I wore. I spent lots of money on clothes and makeup and ultimately it didn't fill the void that was there. Since I started yoga and meditation and experienced phenomenal life shifts through those tools, I've relaxed so much on all of this. Having a child also helped put things into perspective. Now, for me, health is everything and feeling good from the inside out, rather than the opposite. When that starts to happen you need less and less externally.
Advertise with NZME.Wellness wise
I only started taking really good care of myself when I turned 30. Before that I lived a very unbalanced lifestyle especially in terms of what I ate and drank and many, many very late nights... and then I'd exercise like a maniac to counter that. The dialogue in my head was very judgmental and self-loathing I've come to realise. I felt like I always took one step forward and two steps back in my health goals. Slowly with my practices and the work I do, habits started to shift and a lot of the unhealthy things I was doing/consuming started to slip away. Over the years I've found I live more and more simply. I prioritise things that make me feel good first and foremost like exercise and my daily meditation practice. What I eat and drink has a massive influence on my skin and how I feel. Giving up drinking was a big one too, as it's super dehydrating and a massive strain on the poor old liver doing its best to detox us.

Worst beauty mistake
I had really big eyebrows when I was young and I hated them. So I plucked them within an inch of their life. My mum cried when she saw them and said it would be my biggest regret, lol! It was. I let them grow out over a year and now am so happy that I don't have to get them tattooed back on!
Best beauty trick
The amount of makeup you wear on TV doesn't translate to real life very well. Although it's really nice to get your hair and makeup done by professionals, it feels like a protective layer before you go onscreen.
Wellbeing tip
Emotions are healthy and balance isn't static. Learning to understand what I need in different periods of my life has been really important. Life is going to throw us difficulties and there will be intense periods where we need to push and challenge ourselves, but knowing how to take better care of ourselves in each moment is balance. Our emotions are a really good way of our body communicating our needs to us.
Everyday beauty routine
First of all I meditate morning and night. It's one of the most amazing things you can do for your mind and body. It's deeply un-stressing, anti-aging and relaxing. After I meditate I work out: either yoga, pilates or go to the gym. After I shower I use four products: Emma Lewisham's Skin Reset pigmentation serum and Sun Shield, my skin tint and mascara. In the evenings I cleanse with a simple beauty bar, I might exfoliate sometimes and then I put my Skin Reset on before bed.

Five favourites
1. Emma Lewisham's Skin Reset and Sun Shield: This pair of products has changed my skin in the most profound way. My skin has never been so hydrated, even and clear. Most importantly it's 100 per cent clean.
2. Molecule: I've worn this scent forever and find it very comforting
3. George & Edi candle in Fig and Havana: My favourite scent to breathe in around the house and in my meditation studio
Advertise with NZME.4. Frank Body Coconut Coffee Body Scrub: Nothing will make your body feel so soft and smooth
5. Ecotan Hemp Tanning Mist: A really natural fake tan that's super easy to apply and develops in an hour
Transformation tip
Add a bit of lipstick and change the sneakers for heels! Maybe take off the yoga pants too…
Hair and its care
I am so low maintenance with haircare. It's pretty rare for me to wear it down. My hair is quite thin so to look good out it needs some serious help. I can never do it as well as the artists at TVNZ so I don't even try.
Treatment to try
One of the things I do is run retreats all over the world. I haven't been on one for myself since before Jack was born, so perhaps that might be the next thing I do. I'd love to do a surf yoga retreat somewhere, not be working it and get to actually enjoy it!
Beauty to you is…
It's definitely an inside job. The more comfortable you can be in your own skin, the more beautiful you will feel.