How Michele Wilson Of Awwa Spends Her Morning

By Lucy Slight
Michele Wilson, founder of Awwa. Photo / Supplied

Michele Wilson (Tainui, Ngāti Pāoa) is the CEO and creator of Awwa, New Zealand’s first period-proof underwear brand. She also founded natural skincare brand Frankie Apothecary, which she sold in 2018.

With a natural affinity for nature and a strong connection with her ancestry, Michele plans her schedule around maramataka, the Māori lunar calendar. Certain days in the month are noted as being favourable for resource harvesting, while others instead should be honoured with reflection and stillness.

How do you like to begin your day when you first wake up?

I normally wake up around 6am where I am greeted by one of my sleepy daughters who has crawled into bed with me. It will be sad when the time comes and one of them isn’t snuggled up next to me — I hope that day is a long way away.

The next thing I do is check if the moon has risen and what maramataka phase we’re in. I plan my days, weeks and months around maramataka, and I am about to launch a new app in June called ehoa to help women sync their ikura (periods), energy and emotions with the maramataka. For example, if it’s Whiro (a new moon) I won’t work, I will spend the day at home meditating or going into the bush.

Tangaroa is a high productivity phase for me so I’m usually working long hours and ensuring I get some time in the ocean. My team always knows it’s Tangaroa before I tell them; it’s when I come at them with a million ideas.

Are there any rituals that you try to incorporate into your routine each morning?

Yes, I meditate every day — if I don’t, chaos ensues. I also like that my girls see me doing this, as I want them to include meditation in their daily rituals as they get older.

Michele wears Awwa. Photo / Supplied
Michele wears Awwa. Photo / Supplied

What’s your ideal breakfast situation?

As the household wakes up, I have a cup of tea. I gave up drinking coffee five years ago, so a good old cuppa sets me up for the day. I often watch the sun rise while I drink my tea, then I make us all breakfast while the kids do their jobs to get ready.

Does exercise or any other kind of activity play a role in your mornings?

Yes, I often exercise before I start my day. Normally this is an F45 or yoga class.

What does your skincare and/or makeup routine look like on a regular morning in your life?

I don’t have one, but maybe I should start? I am in the last year of my 30s, and I have been thinking about this lately ...

Any other crucial elements to your morning you’d like to share?

I make the school lunches, then I take my big girl to the end of the street so she can walk the rest of the way to intermediate school. After that I drive my “bubba” to school and walk our dog, then it’s home for a shower, protein smoothie and vitamins. Finally, I start my workday at 11am.

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