How Ash Wallace Of Pop Duo Foley Spends Her Morning

By Lucy Slight
Ash Wallace of pop duo Foley. Photo / @Wearefoley

As one-half of New Zealand pop duo Foley, Ash Wallace is used to staying up late and exerting energy during her live performances, brimming with catchy hooks and melodies that you can’t help but want to dance to.

To give you an idea, the band’s musical references are full of classic funk icons — the likes of Prince, Michael Jackson and The Commodores — but they also vibe contemporary musicians such as Charli XCX and Remi Wolf. Let’s just say, you won’t be sitting down at a Foley concert, and neither do Ash or her bandmate Gabriel Everett.

It’s always interesting to find out how people who expend so much of their energy entertaining others make time for themselves, especially when they’re at home. We asked Ash to take us through a typical morning in her day.

How do you like to begin your day, when you first wake up?

I like to start my day with a huge glass of water before I jump in the shower. I am such an avid coffee drinker I have to make sure I drink loads of water to counteract it.

Are there any rituals that you try to incorporate into your routine each morning?

Not sure if it’s a ritual but I am obsessed with my sunscreen every morning! I watch makeup and beauty YouTube videos to relax because I find them super-soothing, and every single person says the same thing about wearing sunscreen — that it’s the best thing you can do for your skin. I also have a fresh tattoo that needs sun protection, so I am all over it.

What’s your ideal breakfast situation?

I am not a huge breakfast person, to be honest. I know it’s not good for the gut but, honestly, I can just slam a coffee and that’s me.

Ash enjoys graphic eyeliners over a simple base. Photo / Supplied
Ash enjoys graphic eyeliners over a simple base. Photo / Supplied

Does exercise or any other kind of activity play a role in your mornings?

Exercise plays a massive role in maintaining my mental health. I love to run if the weather will allow it because it’s where I listen to the most music and find new artists to dive into the world of. I also walk every morning to our workplace, which is such a beautiful way to start the day; a cheeky podcast and some fresh air.

What does your skincare and/or makeup routine look like on a regular morning in your life?

My skincare routine is pretty religious these days as I have started the tretinoin journey and it’s been pretty hectic for my skin. It’s also a nice way to slow down and take care of yourself, so I definitely take my time with my moisturiser, toner, sunscreen, etc, and make sure I have some good music on while I get ready.

I mostly wear BB cream and go quite natural on the face, but I love to play around with graphic eyeliners. I bought a couple of super-neon ones that have spiced up my day-to-day look and, even though it’s still fairly quick and easy, it adds some serious vibe.

Any other crucial elements to your morning you’d like to share?

I try to stay off my phone for the first hour of my day because it’s better for my headspace. It’s made a huge difference in my life to start my day without distraction and the intensity of being on my phone. Game changer.

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