In Bed with Jaime Ridge

By Dan Ahwa
Jaime Ridge, photographed in her bedroom, wearing a Miu Miu top $3260. Kay Goss pants $547. Citta Design tray $119. Picture / Babiche Martens

“Decadent, inspiring and perfect,” is how 23-year-old Jaime Ridge describes her pristine bedroom with its fashion books lined up perfectly on her white desk, the crisp white sheets, gleaming white walls, and a white chandelier hovering above. It’s like walking into a museum, says her mother Sally, but neatness and attention to detail is what this digital style influencer thrives on.

“My bedroom is everything to me. It’s one of my main sources of inspiration and possibly my favourite place in the world. It’s where I spend most of my time and where I work, as well as relax. The aesthetic of my bedroom makes me feel totally inspired.”

This week Jaime is in Bali, having left her Auckland-based PR role after two years to travel the world. Her sights are set on a fashion styling course at London's Central Saint Martins at the end of July ("a dream of mine for years"). Her travels will also include Sydney and Europe, and taking her growing fan base along for the ride via her popular website and social media accounts.

With all that travelling planned across various time zones, Jaime’s preparing to keep her sleep and morning routines in check.

"My typical sleep routine has been to sleep only when all of my work is done. After reading a Huffington Post piece on sleep, however, I've recently made an effort to get to sleep by 11.30pm every night, and it has made such a difference. I have been trying to make sleep a priority in my life, otherwise I find I'm running on two to three hours' sleep and it's simply not healthy.

“When it comes to travelling and my sleep routine, I am a true believer in adjusting to the time zone straight away. So if I land in the morning and I have been awake all night, I won’t sleep until the evening. I don’t nap or anything like that as I believe your mind is stronger and more powerful than your body.”

Describe your morning routine.
My typical morning starts off with a walk around Westhaven Marina with my gorgeous mum. I love fresh air first thing in the morning, and walking clears my head and means I start my day feeling amazing! I'll then go home and get ready for work, before I go to my local cafe Five Loaves where I'll have my morning soy cappuccino, answer any emails I received over night and catch up on any urgent work. My mornings are always productive; I love to start my day with a purpose.

How do you like to unwind or relax?
Massages are possibly my favourite form of relaxation and indulgence. I try to get a massage every few weeks, they really do help me relax entirely, which is a hard task. At home I like to light my candles and pop on one of my favourite Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Powerfoil Masks, and either do some reading or light work. I'm an self-confessed active relaxer - I'm not very good at doing nothing!

Do you have a favourite pyjama brand?
Stella McCartney Lingerie would be my absolute favourite pyjama brand. They make you feel beautiful and glamorous - even when you're sitting in bed working till the early hours of Saturday morning.

What are you reading, or plan on taking to read while you're travelling?
I'm currently reading The Secret. One of my friends recommended I read it and I am really enjoying it. The power of intention and positive affirmation are two concepts I have started to implement into my daily life, positive thinking is very underrated. You'll often find me reading magazines, I have an excessive collection of magazines that date back to 2005 when I first started buying US Vogue. I will be reading magazines when I travel - one of my favourite things to do overseas is to sit in cafes and read the fashion magazines we don't often get here.

What from home will you be taking with you to keep you from feeling homesick or keep on your bedside table when you're travelling?
I'll carry a series of family Polaroids with me the entire time I am away. Nothing makes me feel more at home than my family. I'll also be taking one of my favourite Jo Malone candles with me to sit on my bedside table.

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