Favourite Things: Beck Wadworth of An Organised Life

By Jessica Beresford
Beck Wadworth of An Organised Life. Picture / Supplied.

It would seem that Beck Wadworth does indeed live according to the title of her business, An Organised Life. It’s probably the key to her success, in fact being able to juggle a full-time job while simultaneously running a venture on the side is not for the disorderly.

Beck makes no apologies for her systematic ways: “To be honest, being organised just makes life a whole lot easier,” she says. “I always feel like I achieve a lot more when I stay on top of everything, think ahead and tick boxes.”

Although she now lives in Sydney, Beck grew up in Marlborough, first on a sheep and cattle farm and then a vineyard. After moving to Auckland to study design at Massey University, she then uprooted again to follow her long-term boyfriend to Australia, who she now lives with in North Bondi.

Beck works at fashion label Bec & Bridge as an online and social media manager by day, and runs her business, which specialises in organisers, at night and on the weekends. "I decided to start my own business because I always had a love for being organised as well as stationery, design and typography," she says. "My style has always been monochromatic but I couldn't find a diary that complemented that and was also functional with everything I needed for my daily life. This was when An Organised Life was born."

Beck started with a “test run” diary, which sold out in three weeks. Over the past two years, she’s expanded her business to include notebooks, a travel journal, cards, letter press prints and a watch.

All of which, naturally, fits within Beck's well-designed ways. "Although I'm a very structured person when it comes to living an organised life, I have always had a creative flare and been a very visual person. I love seeing amazing design that is really authentic, and has a personality and background.


1. Playtype 'M' poster
For as long as I can remember I have been obsessed and inspired with typography. My design style has always revolved around a minimalistic style with a heavy feature on type. To me this Playtype poster is my design style and personality to a T. I definitely love the simple and understated things in life.

2. Celine pieces
Celine has always been one brand that constantly inspires me through design. Although I only own two Celine pieces at the moment, I can definitely see my collection growing over time. Minimalistic yet perfect in every way.

3. Georgia Alice jacket
I love to see amazing friends and people doing amazing things. Georgia is an absolute ball of energy and such a generous and talented person and designer. I remember receiving her leather jacket in the mail and feeling so happy and proud of all her hard work and talent. Watching her brand grow even more is always such an inspiration.

Karen Walker jewellery; The Kate Moss book. The Kate Moss book. Pictures / Supplied.
Karen Walker jewellery; The Kate Moss book. The Kate Moss book. Pictures / Supplied.

4. Karen Walker jewellery
Karen Walker always reminds me of home and so does my growing collection of her beautiful jewellery. Each piece I have tells a story. From my peace necklace given to me for Christmas by my boyfriend Jason when we first started dating seven years ago, to my daisy ring gifted to me by my parents at my graduation. I wear every single piece daily and that's what I love so much about it. Understated and fine, but very meaningful.

5. The Kate Moss book
Kate Moss is literally the complete opposite to myself. I'm always inspired by her carefree and spirited personality as well as her style and I love to look back on her career and brand. I always end up having a new favourite photograph each time I go through this book, which was a birthday present from my best friend back in New Zealand.

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