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The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Jamie Simpson
New Zealand

The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Jamie Simpson

Jamie Simpson is among more than 1000 New Zealanders who will be part of the 10,500 people gathering near Anzac Cove to honour the Anzac sacrifice at Gallipoli 100 years ago. This is her video diary of his experience.

The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Lyn Griffiths
New Zealand

The Gallipoli 100 diaries: Lyn Griffiths

Lyn Griffiths is among more than 1000 New Zealanders who will be part of the 10,500 people gathering near Anzac Cove to honour the Anzac sacrifice at Gallipoli 100 years ago. This is her video diary of her experience.

Gallipoli 100: Tinui : Home to World's first ANZAC day service
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Tinui : Home to World's first ANZAC day service

Tinui was the first place in the world to commemorate Anzac Day, at 7.30am on April 26, 1916, a year after the landings. Tinui Anzac Trust chairman Alan Emerson said this year's Anzac service at Tinui is its biggest yet, in keeping with the 100-year commemorations since New Zealand troops fought at Gallipoli. Tinui was the first place in the world to commemorate Anzac Day, at 7.30am on April 26, 1916, a year after the landings.

Timelapse: Auckland's Giant poppy
New Zealand

Timelapse: Auckland's Giant poppy

An inspired and original interactive community art installation, The Giant Poppy, has been completed in the Auckland Domain for ANZAC Day with the laying of 59,000 red metal poppy petals (honouring those wounded and killed in WW1) which include 25,000 personal messages from Aucklanders who have visited the Domain or online donations from New Zealanders all over the country and the world.

Gallipoli 100: 'Spirit of the modern ANZAC'
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: 'Spirit of the modern ANZAC'

The dawn parade in Wellington was led by Governor General Sir Jerry Mateparae and Australia's Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove who spoke to the thousands attending. Also among the crowd were deputy Prime Minister Bill English, Labour Party MP Grant Robertson, representing the opposition and Victoria Cross holder Willie Apiata.

Gallipoli 100: Anzac address - Sir Jerry Mateparae
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Anzac address - Sir Jerry Mateparae

In his Anzac Day address, Governor-General Sir Jerry Mateparae said the gathering was not to glorify war - "but rather to remember the men and women who served their country, and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice". After World War I, the remains of so many young men lay, often in unmarked graves, on the other side of the world, he said. "Our memorials were, and remain, shrines for the nation's grief, erected as places where bereaved families and communities could go to pay their respects.

Motorcycle gang disrupts Last Post
New Zealand

Motorcycle gang disrupts Last Post

A motorcycle gang disrupted a Dawn Service at Waiouru this morning. Rebel gang members were accused on Twitter of turning up at the service late and then driving off on their motorbikes during the Last Post. Source: Andi Brotherston

Gallipoli 100: 'Finding great-great-uncle Frank'
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: 'Finding great-great-uncle Frank'

NZ Herald reporter Anna Leask finds the resting place of her great-great-uncle, who died at Gallipoli, aged 18. She finds the place where Frank Woodhouse died 100 years ago during the 1915 Anzac Campaign. His remains, like so many others, were never found and his name is inscribed on a memorial to the missing at the cemetery at Hill 60.

Gallipoli 100: John Key 'thank you and proud'
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: John Key 'thank you and proud'

Prime Minister John Key has arrived at ANZAC Cove and has met Aussie and Kiwis who are 'overnighting'awaiting the Dawn service. He laid a wreath and said Gallipoli is 'embedded in our DNA' and to the memories of our fallen 'thank you and proud of them'.

Gallipoli 100: Gallipoli contingent touch down in Turkey
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Gallipoli contingent touch down in Turkey

The 75 strong Gallipoli contingent, made up of 50 NZDF personnel and 25 Youth Ambassadors, has arrived at Canakkale, Turkey to take part in the 100th commemorations on Anzac Day. The team is made of a catafalque guard and members of the Defence Force band and Maori Culture Group, as well as a support group from Veterans' Affairs New Zealand. Having travelled in a Royal New Zealand Air Force Boeing 757, the team is now rehearsing and looking forward to being involved in the Gallipoli commemorations that lie ahead. Source: NZDefenceForce/Youtube

Gallipoli 100: Bringing the battlefield to life
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Bringing the battlefield to life

The NZDF contingent participated in a battlefield tour led by the contingent historian Dr. Ian McGibbon. The tour covered the area between ANZAC cove and Chunuk Bair, leading the team up the ridge line that traced the path that the New Zealand Expeditionary forces endured a 100 years ago. Source: NZDefenceForce/Youtube

Gallipoli 100: Mark Knopfler plays ‘The Last Post’
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Mark Knopfler plays ‘The Last Post’

British rock legend Mark Knopfler performs a moving guitar version of the Last Post for Superact and it's World War One centenary project, The Last Post - Mark's version of the iconic call is dedicated to 17,000 Northumberland Fusiliers killed in the First World War. Having grown up in Blyth, Northumberland, Knopfler dedicated the Last Post performance to his hometown regiment who suffered more casualties in the First World War then any other. Source:

Gallipoli 100: Select group of sailors aboard navy ship Te Kaha
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Select group of sailors aboard navy ship Te Kaha

They have sailed 14,000 nautical miles halfway around the world, in the wake of the Anzac soldiers and seamen who fought and died a century ago. New Zealand frigate HMNZS Te Kaha left Wellington on October 16 last year - 100 years to the day that 8500 New Zealand Expeditionary Force troops and almost 4000 horses left to fight in World War 1.

Gallipoli 100: Chunuk Bair rehearsal
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Chunuk Bair rehearsal

New Zealand Defence Force contingent leader Lieutenant Colonel Mike Duncan told the Herald the contingent - made up of the NZDF Band, Maori culture group, Youth Ambassadors and catafalque guard of honour - had been rehearsing for months. He was “outstandingly proud” to see them at Chunuk Bair performing their duties. The group have been rehearsing for months and yesterday morning practiced their individual parts before coming together for a full run through.

Gallipoli 100: War Memorial building puts on show
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: War Memorial building puts on show

Fast becoming a tradition in the nights leading up to and on Anzac Day are the museum's free film screenings projected on to the northern facade. This year the film is from TVNZ's upcoming World War I drama series, When We Go to War, as well as rarely seen photographs of New Zealanders at Gallipoli from the museum's collections.

Gallipoli in Minecraft - Flythrough
New Zealand

Gallipoli in Minecraft - Flythrough

The landscape of war is being recreated in an online game of Minecraft that will appeal to all ages. The Gallipoli in Minecraft exhibition at Auckland Museum opens tomorrow and runs until October 11. A virtual world recreating the 1915 Gallipoli landscape in the popular game of Minecraft will be downloadable from Anzac Day.

Gallipoli in Minecraft - Behind the scenes
New Zealand

Gallipoli in Minecraft - Behind the scenes

A behind the scenes look at the making of Gallipoli in Minecraft, a virtual world recreating the 1915 Gallipoli landscape. The Gallipoli in Minecraft exhibition at Auckland Museum opens tomorrow and runs until October 11.

Gallipoli 100: Ode to the Fallen (Maori and English)
New Zealand

Gallipoli 100: Ode to the Fallen (Maori and English)

From the archives of the Auckland War Museum and the New Zealand Herald are photographs of past ANZAC services at the cenotaph and stills of or service-persons in action and remembrance. The RSA Ode to the Fallen (Laurence Binyon), to remember fallen servicepersons, is recited every Friday at 6pm. 'They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them'