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Snow storm hits the South
New Zealand

Snow storm hits the South

Motorists are being urged to take care on southern highways as a wintry blast sweeps up the country today. Wild weather is hitting much of the country but is expected to ease later today.

Key: 'A centrist Government '
New Zealand

Key: 'A centrist Government '

Prime Minister John Key expects to run a centrist Government for the next term with the support of Act, United Future and the Maori Party, with possible ministerial posts for those parties. Mr Key said he expected Parliament to resume and the new Government to be sworn on October 20, but it would depend on a few factors, including how the special votes fell. He hoped National would keep its 61 seats.

Cunliffe: 'Not a good result'
New Zealand

Cunliffe: 'Not a good result'

Labour leader David Cunliffe says opposition parties were denied crucial airtime during the election campaign which saw them losing votes across the board. Mr Cunliffe insisted the loss at the ballot box was "the same proportionate decline" that was seen in results polled by the Green Party and across the left, adding: "It's not specific to the Labour party."

Election 2014: Key 'it was a tough campaign'
New Zealand

Election 2014: Key 'it was a tough campaign'

Forget dirty politics, high-profile scalps and accusations of lies and spies - John Key swept all aside last night to win an historic third term as Prime Minister. And his margin of victory was shaping last night to be larger than in 2011 - the first time that has been achieved in almost 90 years and giving National the holy grail of governing alone.

Election 2014: Cunliffe vows to stay on
New Zealand

Election 2014: Cunliffe vows to stay on

Labour leader David Cunliffe says he will not stand down despite a heavy defeat in election 2014. Labour's share of the vote dropped by around three percent to 24.68 percent of the party vote - one of its worst results in modern history - while National rose in the polls to win its third term in office.Speaking to supporters in Auckland he confirmed that he had conceded to Prime Minister John Key but indicated that he expected to stay on as Leader of the Opposition.

Election 2014: Winston Peters hits out at National
New Zealand

Election 2014: Winston Peters hits out at National

NZ First Leader Winston Peters has hit out at National's economic management, Labour's infighting and Colin Craig's Conservatives in his election night address to supporters. Arriving at NZ First's election night function with his party netting 9 per cent of the vote, a result that will bring in new MPs Fletcher Tabuteau, Clayton Mitchell, Darroch Ball, Ron Mark and probably Mahesh Bindra, Mr Peters thanked his supporters for running a strong campaign despite limited resources. "You can't give someone a microlight and expect them to go to the moon."

Election 2014: Three more years for Key
New Zealand

Election 2014: Three more years for Key

Three more years they chanted at the National Party headquarters as the scale of their resounding victory in Election 2014 became clear. Winning a third term in office. John Key and the National Party increased their share of the party vote winning 48 percent of all the votes cast, while Labour and the Greens saw their share of the vote tumble from 2011.

Election 2014: Green leaders in defiant mood
New Zealand

Election 2014: Green leaders in defiant mood

Green Party co-leaders Russel Norman and Metiria Turei were in a defiant mood despite polling about a third less votes than they had hoped for. The duo met with thunderous applause when they arrived at the party election night HQ in Auckland just after 10pm. The Greens had targeted polling 15 per cent, but fell well short.

Christchurch bowling club fire
New Zealand

Christchurch bowling club fire

A large hall has been seriously damaged by a fire in Christchurch overnight. The fire service was called to the building on Kearneys Road in Linwood just before 2am, southern fire communications shift commander Riwai Grace said. At least half of the 60m by 30m hall was well alight, he said.

Election according to booze
New Zealand

Election according to booze

Using the international measurement of 'how full is the glass', Hauraki's Matt Heath and Jeremy Wells are joined by Newstalk ZB’s Danny Watson to discuss how well our political parties have performed in the campaign.

Key: No evidence of spy agencies
New Zealand

Key: No evidence of spy agencies

National Party leader John Key talks to Newstalk ZB's Leighton Smith about whether there are any international spy agencies in NZ, the alleged Warner Brothers email, and Kim Dotcom.

Key: 'Believe me or you don't'
New Zealand

Key: 'Believe me or you don't'

Prime Minister John Key acknowledged today that NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden's claim that New Zealanders' data is accessible through the controversial XKeyscore system "may well be right". However, he maintained that information will not have been gathered under any Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) mass surveillance programme as the agency doesn't have that capability.

Cunliffe: Spying - 'Whats's going on?'
New Zealand

Cunliffe: Spying - 'Whats's going on?'

Labour leader David Cunliffe wants the last TV election debate extended so he and John Key can debate the spying accusations from Kim Dotcom. Cunliffe would investigate the entire process if he was Prime Minister on monday. He also wants to win all seven Maori seats, even if that means a loss for Mana.

Snowden: NSA has Auckland facility
New Zealand

Snowden: NSA has Auckland facility

Renegade former US intelligence analyst Edward Snowden claimed his former employer spy agency National Security Agency has a facility in Auckland. Snowden, who is sheltering in Moscow from US attempts to extradite him on espionage charges, appeared by video link before a capacity crowd at the Kim Dotcom organised Moment of Truth event at Auckland Town Hall. Footage The Moment of Truth/YouTube

Key: 'No recollection of the conversation'
New Zealand

Key: 'No recollection of the conversation'

The Kim Dotcom "big reveal" is out - and has almost immediately been dismissed as a fake. The "reveal" is an email which purports to show Prime Minister John Key involved in a plan to get the internet entrepreneur into New Zealand so he could be extradited to the United States. Mr Key said this afternoon he had absolutely no recollection or record of any such conversation. "I do not believe that to be correct. I have no recollection of the conversation alluded to in that email, there are no records there and the meetings I had were with other people around me. So in the end we'll try go and get to the bottom of it, but we don't have any record of it."

Key: US journalist Greenwald 'a loser'
New Zealand

Key: US journalist Greenwald 'a loser'

The war of words between Prime Minister John Key and US journalist Glenn Greenwald has escalated with Mr Key calling Greenwald a "loser" and Greenwald accusing Key of changing his story every day. Speaking to Mike Hosking at the Newstalk ZB Breakfast this morning, Mr Key said he would have more respect for Greenwald if he had timed his visit differently. Greenwald is in New Zealand to present evidence he claims shows the GCSB was involved in mass surveillance at Kim Dotcom's 'Moment of Truth' tonight.

Key: 'Dotcom is trying to save Dotcom's butt'
New Zealand

Key: 'Dotcom is trying to save Dotcom's butt'

Prime Minister John Key says it is possible US journalist Glenn Greenwald will produce claims New Zealand was spying on some of its trading partners. Mr Key has promised to declassify documents proving the GCSB had not engaged in mass surveillance if that was what Mr Greenwald claimed. He suspected the event would be "a sound and light show."

All Blacks: 'true test match'

All Blacks: 'true test match'

After a brutal and intense match against the Springboks in Wellington the All Blacks knew it could have gone either way but, they give credit to the Springboks in what was an intense test match.

All Blacks: 'It wasn't perfect'

All Blacks: 'It wasn't perfect'

All Blacks head coach Steve Hansen says 'it was a pretty good test match and it's a shame in a game like that someone has to lose, but I'm glad it wasn't us. Captain Richie McCaw says 'it wasn't perfect, but to guts out a win like that we're pretty happy'.

All Blacks: Hansen 'rip up the rule book'

All Blacks: Hansen 'rip up the rule book'

All Blacks head coach Steve Hansen provided perspective, support and possible solutions to the continuing difficulties the world game has in finding referees who can deliver the sort of contest everyone is after.

All Blacks: Luatua 'I need a reminder'

All Blacks: Luatua 'I need a reminder'

Steven Luatua's return to field for the All Blacks has been a grinding effort for the 23 year old. Coach Steve Hansen has never been short of his opinion and determination to remind the youngster he wants a player who can work through the pain, Luatua is quick to admit he just needed a reminder.

All Blacks: 'Springboks always a challenge'

All Blacks: 'Springboks always a challenge'

All Blacks captain Richie McCaw has nothing but respect for the Springboks and their captain who is to make his 100th test appearance for South Africa. A great acheivement for any player. Although McCaw is hoping to spoil the celebrations at Westpac Stadium.

Tributes for shooting victims
New Zealand

Tributes for shooting victims

Ashburton locals are gathering in a celebration of song, prayer and tributes to the Work and Income shooting victims. Peg Noble and Leigh Cleveland were killed and colleague Lindy Curtis was injured when a gunman opened fire at their office on Monday last week.

Key: 'It's a clear choice'
New Zealand

Key: 'It's a clear choice'

Prime Minister John Key reviews the 3rd leaders debate and his own and David Cunliffes tax maths, he also added New Zealand would look at supporting the US in fighting terrorists in Iraq. has plunged in personal popularity dropping by 7.3 points