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New X Men teaser trailer released

New X Men teaser trailer released

Fox have released a trailer for the upcoming and much anticipated Marvel film "X-Men: Days of Future Past" which will hit the cinemas next May. The video plays as an company advertisement for Trask Industries, who build the Sentinels in the new X-Men movie, based on the popular cartoon. "Join Trask Industries as we celebrate 50 years of the Sentinel program and look forward to an even brighter future" says the ad. In the film the X-Men send Wolverine to the past to change a major historical event that could globally impact man and mutant kind.

Raw: Smarter than the average bear

Raw: Smarter than the average bear

A bear was filmed wheeling a dumpster from behind Edleweiss Restaurant in Colorado Springs into their parking lot where it tipped it over before fleeing the scene. The CCTV captured the moment on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, the hungry bear came back and did the same thing.

Remember the stray dogs

Remember the stray dogs

This viral video was created by a film maker in Santiago, Chile in order to remember those who are forgotten: stray dogs. He ties balloons to them to make people notice them and soon enough they get some attention!

Israeli forces manhandling journalists during demo

Israeli forces manhandling journalists during demo

Dozens of people gathered on Thursday at Hizma Checkpoint near Jerusalem to protest against the Israeli government’s plan to relocate thousands of Bedouin residents in the Naqab (Negev) desert area south of Israel. A video shared by a Palestinian journalist, who was covering the protest, shows security forces violently pushing journalists.

John Key: Agroventures & Tourism
New Zealand

John Key: Agroventures & Tourism

Prime Minister John Key visited the Agroventures park whilst in Rotorua, speaking to the general Manager Peter Cossey about their relation alongside India and how that has helped expand their business & to help promote New Zealand as a destination.

Fear free: How to behave in hostile situations
New Zealand

Fear free: How to behave in hostile situations

The Fear Free workshop designed for aid workers, journalists and business people working in hostile environments overseas is ensuring that people visiting war-torn or disaster-stricken countries have all the necessary skills in place to survive precarious situations. In this one-day workshop, joined the Fred Hollows Foundation and Caritas to learn new skills.

Kiwi at World Lumberjack Champs

Kiwi at World Lumberjack Champs

These guys kick ax! Watch world-class athletes scurry up 90 foot tall trees, run across rivers on logs, logroll against competitors and rip through wood with big axes and chainsaws equipped with snowmobile engines. Kiwi Jason Wynyard traveled to compete against the best. courtesy the Barry Twins

Russia: Building collapses during wedding

Russia: Building collapses during wedding

In the old city of Kostroma, a building collapsed in the background during the wedding ceremony of a Polish couple. The video, captured by the wedding videographer, shows a scenic background with a beautiful old building. Suddenly, like something out of a movie, the building collapses.

Drunk passengers caught on camera

Drunk passengers caught on camera

British train operator Network Rail has released a video showing a compilation of drunk commuters using trains, in the hope that a new campaign will make boozy passengers to become more aware. Figures revealed more than 1,600 people have been hurt in the last year through slips or trips at Britain’s biggest railway stations.

Raw: Video of waterspout in Tampa bay

Raw: Video of waterspout in Tampa bay

Footage shows a waterspout that formed in Tampa Bay, Florida on Tuesday evening at round 7pm. A waterspout is the result of a tornado forming at sea that pulls the water upwards. At the beginning of the video the women shooting it says 'We're gonna [sic] die' but fortunately she was wrong and the slow moving waterspout dissipated before it hit the bridge. Footage credit Aukgroove & YouTube Channel: Cori Willett

Video shows Israeli soldier beating Palestinian workers

Video shows Israeli soldier beating Palestinian workers

srael’s Channel 10 broadcast on Tuesday a video showing an Israeli soldier assaulting a group of Palestinian workers for no apparent reason. The video of the incident, which took place on April 2009 in the Israeli Jewish-only settlement of Petzael in the West Bank, has just been made public. The Israeli soldier, who was identified as Michael Gershkowitz of the Israeli army’s Kfir brigade, was sentenced to two months in jail and four months of community service.

John Key: Terrorists in NZ
New Zealand

John Key: Terrorists in NZ

Prime Minister John Key has justified the changes to the country's spying laws by saying some people in New Zealand have been trained by al-Qaeda in places such as Yemen. He made the comment this morning in an interview on More FM, 'there are people who have been training for Al-Qaeda camps who operate out of New Zealand...' courtesy of MOREFM

Creating the perfect vagina?
New Zealand

Creating the perfect vagina?

EXCLUSIVE: More and more New Zealand women are undergoing plastic surgery to change their genital appearance. While reasons for the surgery, called labiaplasty, vary from woman to woman, it is often those who have felt uncomfortable with their genitalia for years. spoke to one such woman, a plastic surgeon and their critics.

Kai Lenny races Oracle Team USA

Kai Lenny races Oracle Team USA

Kai Lenny's $1,500 Kite Board vs ORACLE TEAM USA's $15 million catamaran..."It's like bringing a knife to a gun fight," said ORACLE TEAM USA grinder Matt Mitchell. Those were the comments of Jimmy Spithill, the skipper of ORACLE TEAM USA and the defenders of the America's Cup.

Kiwi model for Chanel

Kiwi model for Chanel

Top New Zealand model Ashleigh Good appears in Chanel’s new video Women Only, directed by Karl Lagerfeld. Spot her about two minutes in.

 Jib Lines in Auckland w/ Jaden Leeming

Jib Lines in Auckland w/ Jaden Leeming

Check out Jaden Leeming as he hits some new jib lines at the Barry Curtis skate park in Auckland. This clip shows exactly what it takes sometimes to get tricks done. All in a days work with Dr. J.

Man carries piano and plays piano

Man carries piano and plays piano

Amazing footage from Israel seems to show a man carrying a piano on his back, who then decides to play another piano, whilst the piano is still on his back. Credit: emil33247/NewsPoint

Amazing Moscow timelapse

Amazing Moscow timelapse

Amazing video from Moscow, taken by Sasha Aleksandrov, showing a timelapse he captured. The video, created using a tripod and a hand-held camera, shows many different parts of Moscow including landmarks like St. Basil's Cathedral, Spasskaya Clocktower Center and the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. Credit: Sasha Aleksandrov/NewsPoint

Freed hostage Amanda Berry on stage with rapper Nelly

Freed hostage Amanda Berry on stage with rapper Nelly

Amanda Berry, one of three women who was held captive in a Cleveland home for a decade, appeared on stage during the Roverfest radio station concert in Cleveland on Saturday. The rapper Nelly, who was headlining Roverfest, invited Amanda Berry on stage during his performance. Credit: Eric Hanson/NewsPoint

Juliette Hogan summer 2013: Kaleidoscope City

Juliette Hogan summer 2013: Kaleidoscope City

A trip to Tokyo inspired Juliette Hogan’s beautiful new summer collection Kaleidoscope City, showcased in this video that sees model Alyssa at the circus, among the flashing lights and fireworks. Read Viva’s Juliette Hogan profile in this week’s issue.

Choppers put through paces
New Zealand

Choppers put through paces

Three NH90 helicopters were put through their paces as part of an intensive flying training programme around Waiouru. It was the first time that the NH90 had carried fully equipped troops and it was also the first low level formation flying had been undertaken away from Ohakea, which is a significant milestone in the training and testing of the aircraft and crew. courtesy of NZDF

Car swamped by landslide

Car swamped by landslide

Video of a car almost being washed away by floods and a landslide in northwest China has been released. The footage shows the driver trying to get away from the deluge, but changing his mind when he realises what is happening. All the car's occupants escaped unhurt. courtesy YouTube/CoDGlee

'7 dollar' racist taxi rant
New Zealand

'7 dollar' racist taxi rant

A man unleashes an expletive-ridden attack on an Invercargill taxi driver, calling him an “Islam prick”, saying “you don’t belong here” and asking “Why don't you f*** off back to where you come from?

Horse goes wakeboarding
New Zealand

Horse goes wakeboarding

A love of horses and wakeboarding has seen a Northland equestrian duo combine raw horse power with the exhilarating watersport. Good mates Chloe Phillips-Harris, a full time horse trainer in Kawakawa, and Nikita Osborne, a vet and horse rider in Kerikeri, have trained a wild Kaimanawa horse to gallop through the surf with a wakeboarder skimming along behind.

Awkward: Sailboat crashes into bridge

Awkward: Sailboat crashes into bridge

This video, captured by Fredrik Sjøblom Robertsen, shows a sailboat in Norway misjudge its bearings, and go crashing straight into a bridge that was being lowered, breaking the vessel’s mast.

Underwater bullets at 27,000fps

Underwater bullets at 27,000fps

Gav and Dan slowed down time by over one thousand times to show how bullets look when fired from an underwater gun. Credit: Theslowmoguys /NewsPoint

Woman gets electric shock crossing the road

Woman gets electric shock crossing the road

Those Russian Dashcams are at it again! A woman crossing the street in Biysk, Russia was captured having a harrowing moment recently, when electric sparks surrounded her on the road. The woman was nearly electrocuted after a truck with a crane cut the wire of the city’s electric bus line. Credit: roman14211/NewsPoint.

 Inside the America's Cup: No second place - Ep 3

Inside the America's Cup: No second place - Ep 3

n episode 3, The Cutting Edge, the AC72 takes center stage as the ultimate hero of the 34th America's Cup. As a piece of engineering, it is the most highly advanced sailboat in racing, meeting the standards now of what would be possible 15-20 years forward. The AC72 should not be flying above the water at 50 mph, but that is what it's doing.