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New Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery
New Zealand

New Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery

As with many big jobs, this one started out small. Auckland’s Mitchell & Stout Architects was only initially asked to upgrade Titirangi’s historic ex-hotel Lopdell House, expanding its existing art gallery and redesigning its basement theatre. Work was really planned to focus on a single building. But that would never have worked.

Budget 2015: John Key post-budget speech
New Zealand

Budget 2015: John Key post-budget speech

John Key gave a post-Budget address at a Trans-Tasman Business Circle function in Auckland, addressing questions about benefit increases. He says the increases were lost on protesters outside the meeting who he says were "protesting for the sake of it".

Budget 2015: Andrew Little post-budget speech
New Zealand|Politics

Budget 2015: Andrew Little post-budget speech

Labour leader Andrew Little says the party will consider means testing superannuation but he did not agree with increasing the age of eligibility despite concern about the rising costs. Speaking at a post Budget business breakfast, Mr Little accused the Government of recklessness for failing to address superannuation in the Budget, the rising cost of which he said was "terrifying."

The 'internetest safety video'

The 'internetest safety video'

Delta Air Lines has taken a leaf out of Air New Zealand's book in releasing a viral new in-flight safety video the airline has dubbed "the internetest safety video on the internet".

PM on Campbell Live: 'I wish him all the best'

PM on Campbell Live: 'I wish him all the best'

John Campbell will leave Campbell Live, with a new current affairs show continuing in his time slot four days a week, with two presenters. Campbell has rejected the chance to co-host a revamped version of his television show and quit MediaWorks, the company says.

Budget 2015: John Key's stand up

Budget 2015: John Key's stand up

Prime Minister John Key said 500,000 New Zealand children would benefit from the Budget in some way and said he was proud to lead a party that was the first to lift benefits in 40 years. He said it was "compassionate conservatism and I'm proud of it". He said he had told New Zealanders on election night he intended "to govern for all New Zealanders".

Budget 2015: Barry Soper: 'Still a long way to go on housing front'
New Zealand|Politics

Budget 2015: Barry Soper: 'Still a long way to go on housing front'

Mr English has set aside $52 million in contingency funding to fund work with private sector developers to build affordable houses on under-utilised Crown land - Housing and Building Minister Nick Smith will begin meeting developers on May 29 to discuss potential partnerships. Mr English said it was likely that iwi would get first right of refusal on some of the land.

Audrey Young: 'Budget does a lot with very little'
New Zealand|Politics

Audrey Young: 'Budget does a lot with very little'

One of the Budget surprises was the introduction of a levy on travellers leaving and entering New Zealand to boost biosecurity funding by $100 million a year. The $6 for departing passengers and $16 for arriving passengers will be added to the cost of an airline ticket. The other Budget surprise was the axing of the $1000 kickstart payment for people when they sign up to Kiwisaver which is estimated to save $500 million over four years.

Budget 2015: Bill English: 'helping parents into work'
New Zealand|Politics

Budget 2015: Bill English: 'helping parents into work'

Beneficiary families and low-income working families will get a boost of up to $25 a week as part of a child hardship package which is the centre-piece of Bill English's seventh Budget. It is the first increase in core benefits, apart from inflations adjustments, since 1972 and will affect 110,000 families.

Mike's Minute: Dairies
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Dairies

It's not dairies' fault kids are fat, it's the parents. I'm astounded healthy authorities are trying to blame dairies for society's ills - Today on Mike's Minute.

Meet The CEOs: Thomas Pippos

Meet The CEOs: Thomas Pippos

Deloitte NZ chief executive Thomas Pippos talks to Herald Business Editor Liam Dann about this week's Budget - what he'd like to see in it - and what he expects will really be in it.

Evolving the 100% Pure New Zealand identity

Evolving the 100% Pure New Zealand identity

The story of how Tourism New Zealand has evolved the 100% Pure New Zealand identity to more uniquely represent our place, New Zealand. The idea was to draw from a rich history of New Zealand design and visual expression. Our renewed identity demonstrates the embrace of people, culture and landscapes which is at the heart of the New Zealand travel experience. Supplied video.

Air NZ heads to the beach for new safety video

Air NZ heads to the beach for new safety video

Air New Zealand has teamed up with some of the world's hottest surfers for its latest safety video, launching today. Among those on the Safety Safari video are past and present world champions, New Zealand's best surfers, a big wave legend and two of the world's most popular women surfers on social media. It was filmed at Malibu, California, Australia's Gold Coast and at Raglan and Piha in this country in mid-March and the film crew and the nine surfers had to work around Cyclone Pam to find suitable waves here and across the Tasman.

Mike's Minute: TVNZ
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: TVNZ

Today on Mike's Minute - TV is fantastically competitive these days. You can't expect TVNZ to remain running as a profitable business by airing shows everyone knows are going to tank.