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Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on flag debate
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on flag debate

Jack Tame says you can be upset about the money spent on the process of finding a new flag but the reality is, the referendum is going to happen. The real waste would be if we don't suck it up and engage in the process.

Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on Iran nuclear deal
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on Iran nuclear deal

Jack Tame says if the agreement with America holds, Iran shouldn't be able to develop a nuclear weapon for at least a decade. Barack Obama has done a tremendous job when considering the increasing rift America has with the Muslim world.

Suburban Auckland apartments

Suburban Auckland apartments

With pressure on land, Auckland Council’s new study shows a “gap” in housing stock: more suburban terraced housing, townhouses and apartments are needed.

Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on Greece
New Zealand

Mike's Minute: Jack Tame on Greece

"From the anger and the emotion, the rage between voters on either wide - it's clear the economic consequences of this decision are only one challenge facing Greek society in the coming weeks."

Raw: Business owners assess damage in Wanganui
New Zealand

Raw: Business owners assess damage in Wanganui

Business owners, office workers and volunteers from various organisations, were allowed to enter into the 'Red Zone' of downtown Wanganui to inspect their property, retrieve important items and document the damage before the lengthy clean up process. Source: Mark Seconi/Youtube

Business Herald: NZ top paid bosses

Business Herald: NZ top paid bosses

The bosses of New Zealand's biggest companies enjoyed an average pay rise of 10 per cent last year, their biggest bump since 2010. The increase for those at the top dwarfs the 3 per cent of growth for the average wage and salary earner in the year to June 2014.

BMW i-cars production line

BMW i-cars production line

In Germany near Leipzig, 120 electric i-cars a day are rolling off BMW's production line to meet hot demand around the world. Video supplied by BMW.

Reserve Bank: Brian Fallow on OCR cut

Reserve Bank: Brian Fallow on OCR cut

The Reserve Bank cut the benchmark rate a quarter-point and signalled more may be on the way as the dairy sector's weak outlook weighed on the nation's terms of trade and threatened to delay an increase in inflation from its near-zero level. New Zealand Herald's Economics Editor, Brian Fallow, analyses the decision. The New Zealand dollar tumbled. Governor Graeme Wheeler lowered the official cash rate to 3.25 percent, in a closely watched decision where markets were largely split on whether he would cut rates now or later, saying a more pronounced slump in export prices than expected and the prospect of waning consumer demand on increasing petrol prices threatened to keep a lid on already low inflation.

Reserve Bank: OCR cut to 3.25pc

Reserve Bank: OCR cut to 3.25pc

The Reserve Bank has this morning cut the benchmark rate a quarter-point and signalled more may be on the way as the dairy sector's weak outlook weighed on the nation's terms of trade and threatened to delay an increase in inflation from its near-zero level. The New Zealand dollar dropped almost a cent.

Zane Lowe to be DJ on Apple's station

Zane Lowe to be DJ on Apple's station

Apple declared war on Spotify, Tidal and Pandora, as it unveiled its new music streaming service. Apple Music, available to users of iPhones and iPads on June 30 in 100 countries, includes a radio station with personalized playlists and a choice from millions of songs on demand. Tim Cook described Apple's new service as "the next chapter in music". It will include Beats 1, a 24-hour radio station featuring Kiwi DJ and former Radio 1 presenter Zane Lowe. The company is billing it as "all the ways you love music in one place". Source: Apple/Youtube