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Watch NZH Focus: Economists say legalise weed
New Zealand

Watch NZH Focus: Economists say legalise weed

A recent Drug Foundation poll found almost 65 per cent of New Zealanders are in favour of legalising or decriminalising cannabis. Now an organisation better known for its views on inflation and GDP has thrown their weight behind cannabis law reform. Liam Dann talks to Tristram about it.

Watch: Ruapehu feels the chill

Watch: Ruapehu feels the chill

Ruapehu Alpine Lifts also faced an uncertain future in 2016 due to a persistent decline in skier numbers and falling profitability. Video / Alan Gibson 2016

Watch: Kiwi lodge boss on US trip

Watch: Kiwi lodge boss on US trip

Richard Rooney, general manager of the Wairarapa’s Wharekauhau Country Estate, tells of a six-week trip to the United States. He expects more Americans to visit New Zealand as a result.

Watch: NZH Focus Business

Watch: NZH Focus Business

Cluster bombs and landmines - what should we do about dirty KiwiSaver funds? Business Editor at Large Liam Dann talks to Tristram Clayton.

Watch NZH Focus: Wasty Food into Tasty Food
New Zealand

Watch NZH Focus: Wasty Food into Tasty Food

When new laws in Italy and France came into effect recently making it illegal for supermarkets not to donate their surplus food it raised the debate of whether NZ should do the same. Tristram Clayton went to find out what supermarkets here were already doing to help reduce waste and was pleasantly surprised.

Watch: Ravensdown lifts profit, pays $42/tonne rebate
New Zealand

Watch: Ravensdown lifts profit, pays $42/tonne rebate

The once-debt laden fertiliser co-operative, Ravensdown, said it had raised its pre-tax profit and was able to pay its farmer-shareholders a rebate of $41 a tonne on purchased products. Ravensdown has announced a profit before tax and rebate figure of $62 million for continuing businesses in the year ending May 2016, up from $46 million a year earlier.