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10 things we learnt from listener.co.nz stories this week

New Zealand Listener
3 mins to read

1. Politics: Most developed economies exempt retirement savings schemes from their taxation systems because they want their citizens to work, become wealthy and invest in their own economies. Because Kiwisaver is taxed, New Zealand is an outlier – something Danyl McLauchlan points out in his weekly column.

He’s less beloved than his predecessors, but when we contemplate the state of the nation they have bequeathed him, this might not be a bad thing. Photos / Getty Images
He’s less beloved than his predecessors, but when we contemplate the state of the nation they have bequeathed him, this might not be a bad thing. Photos / Getty Images

2. Crime: Former PM Rob Muldoon helped solve one of New Zealand’s most shocking crimes, by taking to the police a man who reckoned a drunken acquaintance confessed to him that
