1. Smithy by Wayne Smith & Phil Gifford (Mower)
The memoir of one of our off-field rugby greats, Wayne “The Professor” Smith, has climbed to the No 1 spot. Regarded as one of the best rugby thinkers in the world, former All Black Smith, with the help of eminent sports journalist Phil Gifford, gives his account of coaching the Black Ferns to victory in the 2022 Women’s Rugby World Cup. It’s full of insight and anecdotes from the man himself, but also talks to many of the women and men who took the team to a world title.

2. Untouchable Girls by Jools & Lynda Topp (A&U)
This memoir by our beloved Topp Twins remains in the charts for a seventh week. As their interview with the Listener notes, when putting this together they “made a list of significant periods in their lives, then worked their way through it non-chronologically. Eventually, they had 31 chapters that recall how the Waikato farm girls ran away to the army, stayed on in Christchurch, and found a new home among the increasingly vociferous local lesbian community, turned their country music-honed voices into protest songs … then somehow, via the magic of television, abundant charisma and their array of characters, became beloved mainstream entertainers. Oh, and in chapter 23, cancer.” Also in the book is a topic largely uncanvassed: the sisters’ sometimes roller-coaster love lives during the decades.

3. Murray Ball: A Cartoonist’s Life by Mason Ball (HarperCollins)
At No 3 in its second week out is this biography of cartoonist Murray Ball. As our new three-way government gets to work, it’s worth remembering that TV versions of Ball’s Footrot Flats cartoons were central to the advertising of the new MMP system in 1996, his character Wal reminding voters, using a sheep sorting device, that it was “one vote for the party, one for the person”. Now Murray’s son Mason has written a biography that attempts to show the full man: farmer, rugby player, cartoonist, (stern, loving, political) father. For the book, Mason relied on his recollections and news articles, as well as his father’s unpublished manuscript and letters to others. It’s a lively memoir of a family life, including the trials of an artist, both in the UK and NZ, Murray’s routine, obsessions and influences, and brimming with cartoons and photos.

4. Whakawhetai: Gratitude by Hira Nathan (A&U)
Hira Nathan’s te reo Māori gratitude diary, released in May, is still selling heaps. Why is a gratitude diary so popular? Here’s the publisher’s blurb in part: “Kia ū ki te pai, kia whai hua ai. Hold on to what is good and good things will follow. An inspirational, bilingual gratitude journal, based on the Māori holistic approach to health, hauora. Discover the four dimensions of hauora: taha tinana (physical), taha hinengaro (mental), taha wairua (spiritual) and taha whānau (family). No matter how difficult life can seem, there is always something to feel grateful for. Taking note regularly of the positives – no matter how small – in each of these areas of your life can have a huge impact on your health and happiness.”

5. The Girl from London by Olivia Spooner (Moa Press)
Another historical fiction debut from a NZ writer that’s clearly caught the attention of readers. The Girl from London tells the true stories of young British evacuees who were shipped off to South Africa, Canada, Australia and NZ in the early years of WW2. They were chaperoned by young teachers and nurses who formed strong bonds with the children and some never returned to the UK.
The novel, with twin timelines in the 1940s and 2000s, brings to life a fascinating time in history, the Listener review said. The 1940s strand is particularly riveting, with young teacher Ruth falling in love despite being engaged, and then her boat is attacked by German raiders.

6. The Crewe Murders by Kirsty Johnston & James Hollings (Massey University Press)
Investigative reporter Kirsty Johnston and journalism academic James Hollings explore a murder case 53 years on, that of Harvey and Jeannette Crewe in their Pukekawa farmhouse in 1970, one that captivated the nation then and clearly still does. The case saw the conviction of Arthur Allan Thomas, two appeals, books, a film, and a royal commission. Thomas was eventually granted a free pardon, the only time the NZ government has bypassed the courts to free a convicted murderer. It’s a well-written, well-researched account (with notes and index), which talks to some who have never previously spoken – though it doesn’t come to any firm conclusion about the killer.

7. Summer Favourites by Vanya Insull (A&U)
As summer official arrives, Vanya Insull, aka VJ Cooks for those not on social media, has popped back into the bestsellers. Summer Favourites is the follow-up to last year’s bestselling Everyday Favourites, a collection of her “tasty, easy and hearty” recipes. She’s back with 70 more, these being lighter dishes perfect for the barbecue or bach, including dinners, salads, baking, and desserts.

8. The Observologist by Giselle Clarkson (Gecko Press)
Giselle Clarkson combines her comics and conservation backgrounds for this cutely illustrated “handbook for mounting very small scientific expeditions” aimed at 7- to 11-year-olds. Observology, says Clarkson, is the study of looking, and specialists in the field make scientific expeditions every day. They notice fascinating details in the world around them, and are expert at finding tiny creatures, plants and fungi. They know that earthworms have bristles, that only female spiders make webs, and how to improve boring situations, like when an adult bumps into someone they know. Dozens of creatures and aspects of the natural world come under the microscope, from insects to fungi, seeds to bird droppings.

9. Bookshop Dogs by Ruth Shaw (A&U)
The author of the bestselling The Bookseller at the End of the World, which was about life and retailing in her bookshops in Manapōuri, in the southwest of the South Island, has turned her attention to the dogs that visit. These are the hounds of locals and those who are holidaying or just passing through. Amond them is Hunza, the german shepherd that worked alongside Shaw when she was a youth worker helping troubled teenagers.

10. Slinky Malinki’s Christmas Eve by Lynley Dodd (Puffin)
Holding on in the top ten, released for the festive season, is a lift-the-flap board book for the smallest Kiwis. In national treasure Dodd’s latest, it’s Christmas Eve and the sneakiest, most troublesome cat, Slinky Malinki, has stolen the tree decorations. Where has Slinky hidden them? Kids will have to lift the flaps to find the baubles and bells, trinkets and tinsel.

(Source: Nielsen Bookscan NZ – week ending November 25.)